Thanks, Jim, for the good word. I will check out that Krylon stuff when I can.

I am surprised, on the other hand, about the clear nail polish. I have actually done a bit of work for a large nail polish manufacturer, and so I know a little about what goes into the product. What surprises me is that it lasts for any length of time on your stones. Nail polish has to be manufactured with components that are safe for human contact, and that generally means that the hardened nail polish is never, ever going to perform as well as, say, a coating that you'd put on furniture or on a car. Most nail polishes are considered to be "long lasting" if they even last 15 or 20 days on the surface of a woman's nail. Of course, the nail is flexible and growing, so you would have problems with just about any coating that you used on it, but it still surprises me that you'd get any kind of acceptable performance from using nail polish on an object like a hone.

Anyway, I will keep you posted, and thanks again for the help.