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  1. #1
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Default Thinking of returning

    Hey everyone,

    I have taken a long break from straight razors, mostly because I was lazy but have been thinking of coming back. I use a DE so I have brush and soap, and know I won't have a problem finding a good razor and strop. But what I have a need for is some advice on a good touch up hone. I never had luck sharpening razors on the Norton, but I did do all right touching up on a barber hone. I want something that will do the job (let's say superbly.)

    Oh and if you feel like tossing out recommendations for a razor and strop feel free. For the strop I am sure I will visit Tony's online store. The razor I would like to keep under 100. Going to likely be making the purchases next month.

    This is a really nice new layout on the site btw.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    welcome. Panama hone.c mon .frictionte 00.

  3. #3
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Welcome back Long time no see

  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt View Post
    Great input thanks! I don't see the shapton 16k, or any of the hones in a set on srd. They have quite a selection though.
    That probably means they are temporarily out of stock. If you check back, they should reappear, or maybe you could send an inquiry to get a timeframe.

    As above, any of the good barber hones, or any finisher would do the trick. If you do end up buying a new hone, I highly recommend SRD as well.

    Glad to see you are returning to the fold.

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Welcome back Matt!
    I remember feeling disappointed when you sold off all your stuff.
    I didn't get any of it!
    Just kidding.
    You were an active member and it was disappointing that you didn't just disappear, you sold off all your stuff. It was as if we had failed you.

    Are you looking for another barber hone or something else?

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome back to straight razor shaving. If you want a minimal amount of investment in time and $ maybe either a barber hone or the SRD modular paddle with the diamond spray and chrom-ox would be practical for maintenance/touch up of a shave ready razor.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  7. #7
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    If you do want to try the barber hone route again, I could loan you the ones Sham suggested plus a couple of others. However, I'm not sure any barber hone is going to get you to the "superb" level you are seeking.

  8. #8
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    If you do want to try the barber hone route again, I could loan you the ones Sham suggested plus a couple of others. However, I'm not sure any barber hone is going to get you to the "superb" level you are seeking.
    That would be cool. I think a barber hone is the route I would like to take until I can afford a couple shaptons.

  9. #9
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    When I get home tonight I'll dig through my stuff and come up with a list of hones for you try.

    What barber hones have you used in the past? Also, what kind of razor are you looking to get? Do you still have any or should I throw in a couple of practice razors too?

    Maybe I should start a barber hone library!

  10. #10
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    When I get home tonight I'll dig through my stuff and come up with a list of hones for you try.

    What barber hones have you used in the past? Also, what kind of razor are you looking to get? Do you still have any or should I throw in a couple of practice razors too?

    Maybe I should start a barber hone library!
    Thats really generous. I have no straight shaving items anymore. In my haste I sold all of my razors and strops, hones, all of it. The only barber hone I had was a 3 line swaty but it had sort of glazed over. I would be willing to try any barber hone that is suitable for a straight razor. When I do buy a razor I think I am going to buy new. Probably just a dovo from SRD. I was looking at the Dovo bismark strop package on srd but that is a little out of my budget. I would be willing to use most any type of straight razor used or unsed 5/8ths or up. I guess it would be wise to not get to spendy on a razor at this point. I won't be buying a strop until next month anyhow, I can't find the funds until then.

    Thanks again all for your warm welcome home!

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