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08-31-2010, 01:22 PM #1
Pre-coticule synthetic for bevel repair?
I'm in the market for a new hone...hehehehe (the giggle of a budding HAD casualty).
I've been using dilu/unicot methods with a natural BBW/Coti (with a fast cutting coti side) followed by a slower cutting (but higher quality) select grade coti. If there are no huge problems with the bevel or edge, the results are great and it doesn't take all that much time. BUT...if the edge has minor chips, or the bevel needs serious correcting, it can take a very, very long time to get things looking and feeling pretty.
I've got a 1000 grit suehiro (sold under Robert Larson Tools label), but it can be a little too aggressive. I read a thread where Lynn found a Naniwa 5000 sufficient for most bevel setting, but I figure my BBW/coti can do what a 5000 grit can do. I'm leaning toward a 3000, because it would only leave a narrow gap in approximate grit from that to the BBW.
So the question is: will a Naniwa 3000 be sufficient for minor repairs, or should I go lower?