Apologies if these questions are too basic, I can't seem to find an answer.

I'm trying to establish when and where to move from grit to another in doing the HHT. Should hair pop at the 1-4k level where a bevel could be set or is this more a product of the final polishing phase 8k-12k? I have difficulty sensing the wet thumbpad test and I've looked at all the videos. Perhaps I should look at all of them again?

If it isn't popping hair at the 3k level will honing on the 8k eventually bring the edge to that sharpness level?

I am working on practically brand new dovo stainless with naniwa superstones 1k/3k/8K/12k. It cuts arm hair readily enough and will pop hair on one part of the blade.

I'm begining to think I should have got the 5k as an intermediary between 3k & 8k....should this be the next hone to get?

I have lapped all the stones.

Honing isn't as straight forward as I thought it would be...

Would appreciate any input