Following on from Stuart's reply to my original thread I need to ask some more questions.

I have the razor to what I believe was the 3k phaze and have done about 50 laps on the 8k but hair isn't falling with the blade 1mm off my skin I have fair hair but don't believe this should matter.

So my question is

Roughly...ball park terms I know a lot of variables are involved how many laps should it take on the 8k after the 3k ?

Should I go back to the 3k or just keep going with the 8k ?

I'm confused as to what I should do....I've already gone back once to the 3k and gone onto the 8k but I'm at the same hair isn't falling unless I have the blade at skin level.

I'm finding it frustrating to be honest.

Always appreciative of any input anybody can offer.
