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Thread: do i need a 1k?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Noisykids's Avatar
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    the stone were just delivered and i lapped the combo on 220 grit wet/dry on a piece of plate glass. also chamfered all the edges. there was a small chip on the 4k side. the 12k was minute chips on the vertical edges, so i chamfered them too. the combo is soaking right now. should i soak the 12k? maybe later i'll get to try and shave. got everything i need. razors, (pending a sharpening), soap, strop, band-aids. good to go.

  2. #12
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noisykids View Post
    the stone were just delivered and i lapped the combo on 220 grit wet/dry on a piece of plate glass. also chamfered all the edges. there was a small chip on the 4k side. the 12k was minute chips on the vertical edges, so i chamfered them too. the combo is soaking right now. should i soak the 12k? maybe later i'll get to try and shave. got everything i need. razors, (pending a sharpening), soap, strop, band-aids. good to go.
    There are some important unknowns here. Do you have a "Shave ready" razor to compare your work to? If you have no experience with straight razor shaving, then all your attempts will be for naught. You will never know when it is shave ready which is the final honing test if you don't know what it is suppose to shave like.


  3. #13
    Senior Member Noisykids's Avatar
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    no, i don't have a shave ready to compare it to. i figure if i can shave with it, it's ready. and all i have to say about that after the last hour's can call me Sweeney.
    there's too much going on around the house today to try and hone a razor in a reflective and contemplative fashion the activity obviously deserves. we had new furniture delivered, everything is out of place, i'm going from one thing to the next, and i need to not charge ahead with this. oops, too late, i already did, and it didn't work. it'll come. No one ever taught me how to make the telescope mirror, or sourdough bread, and at my my job, i was known as The Bread God.

    edited to add: you're absolutely right. while i still have the packaging from my last $8.50 ebay find right here, i should package up the Red Point 917 and ship it off.
    I read a book about archetypes recently and was a little distraught to find that none of mine were included. we all have them, but you have to do a little introspection to get beyond what was in the section where you were supposed to pick yourself out. There was no entry for the Smart-Ass or the Know-It-All.
    Last edited by Noisykids; 09-23-2010 at 08:53 PM.

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