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  1. #1
    Shaves with Tarantulas Ogershok's Avatar
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    Default Degreasing an old stone.

    Howdy all,
    My apartment manager gave me some old hones from the toolshed and one of them looks very promising. No box, no label. It's extremely fine, and just might make a decent finishing hone. The problem is that it had a very heavy coating of grease and dust from years of disuse. I had hoped to able to degrease it and use it with water but so far that hasn't happened. I soaked it for a week in strong 409 cleaner, then a few days in plain water, then another week in 409. It feels totally ungreasy but water just beads up on it like it was wax. Does anyone know a process or solvent for getting the old grease and oil out? I may have to just decide to use it with oil after all but I'd prefer not to.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Joe Edson's Avatar
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    I got oil off a vintage Thuri pretty good by soaking it in a bucket of water with oxiclean and dishwashing soap.

    Followed by a good lapping seemed to do the trick.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    all dirty stuff you can use brake fluid cleaner and clean up then move to next step.
    put stone inside salt box for a week . then check see what you left.
    oven cleaner works

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  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Depends how deep the oil penetrated. Most degreasers should work if its near the surface. If it's deeper you could try something that can draw the oil out. Maybe some of that stuff they use in garages to absorb oil or kaolin-clay might work too.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Howard from The Perfect Edge recommended oven cleaner. Easy Off with the blue label IIRC. Less fumes with the blue label. Haven't tried it myself.
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  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Washing Soda is often used, but may not be any more effective than your 409 cleaner - both are very alkaline. . A strong mix of bio washing machine detergent in very hot water used as a prolonged soak often works, too.

    A stronger alkali would be caustic soda (lye or drain cleaner) but you should read-up on its use and hazards before using it - it generates heat when dissolved in water and can cause severe burns if you aren't careful.

    Industrial degreasers are another option. The older ones were quite hazardous (trike, etc) but modern ones are 'greener' and safer to use.

    You could go the solvent route - soak the stone in a volatile solvent like alchol or industrial methylated spirit (the clear type, not the blue one) in a closed, non-reactive container. Dispose of liquid when saturated and add fresh stuff, slightly diluted with water. Repeat, adding slightly more water each time. When you reach the 50/50 mark whatever is left should be soluble in a strong detergent mixture.

    Or - you could add dish-washing detergent to the honing water - that will allow it to spread out on the surface of the hone - a quicker and cheaper solution than the above!


  9. #7
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    use oxiclean scrub the stone get an old pot and towel or large rag put the rag in the bottom of the pot and then the stone turn the heat on put some oxiclean in the pot get the water hot until it steams but not a boil the stone should be sitting on the rag it will protect the stone from the heat on the bottom of the pan the oil should float to the top of the water

  10. #8
    Shaves with Tarantulas Ogershok's Avatar
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    Thanks Guys, you've given me some good ideas. Film at eleven.

  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogershok View Post
    Thanks Guys, you've given me some good ideas. Film at eleven.
    OK it is 11:30 here...
    Where is the film.

    If it is a saturated oil stone you will never get all the oil out.

    Scrub the surface with common kitchen cleaner like Comet
    and a brush or green Scotch Brite a couple times.

    You can use it with a spray of water+detergent perhaps with a very small
    amount of alcohol. You may find that diluted common mouth wash
    makes a good honing fluid. "Simple Green" cleaner works for
    me. I keep a dilution for cleaning grease from the outside of my BBQ
    so it is handy.

    And it is not silly to use oil on an oilstone. Mineral oil works
    well and does not harm razors.

  12. #10
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Maybe a local machine shop will give or sell you a quart or so of water-based cutting fluid; many use a lot of it and it is rather inexpensive. It is an emulsified solution that should pull some oil out of your hone by "binding" with it. Just soak the hone in it overnight and slosh it around several times.

    I also think that all the oil can not be removed. If it's an oilstone, I would just continue to use oil with it.

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