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Thread: A Mystery Hone

  1. #1
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    Default A Mystery Hone

    Here's another I acquired recently but know little about. It's grey and feels very smooth, but not glossy. My fingernail can't make a mark on it. It's 4" long, 2" wide, and 7/8" thick.

    I hope I'm not being a dufus to put up such an undistinguished rock and having the temerity to ask if anyone can ID it! I have, however, been astonished at the abilities of this community to do just that.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Seems like coarse stone.
    Can you use for sharpening razors?
    i think so but not as high grit hone.
    Let me add this. i am saying this just seeing the picture specially the broken corner of the stone.
    i may be wrong too.
    The best is test it and see how it will act.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Ya know we had jokes about this sorta kind of thing with the flatlanders that came to visit, when I was in Colorado...

    Remind me to tell you that story next time we are on the phone LOL

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