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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Pls. report ASAP

    If a facility move is in process, the sale won't last long & the need to know how it works is urgent.

    'Can't wait to hear how it does.

  2. #12
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    Pinklather I have to apologize. I did not realize that mentioning Carter's sale was equivalent to advertising, which I was told was not allowed when another post of mine yesterday was 'parked' by the moderator as disallowed advertising. Despite my feelings that I was simply passing on information and not placing an ad, if the moderators are in agreement that this violates the rules I must and will respect the rules. However, I have no way to withdraw my post in this thread so I feel that I must decline to answer any further posts about this subject. My apologies.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Really Bogus

    You give legitimate head's up on a time limited availability where you have no financial interest, and the interpretation is 'advertising', which censors you from talking about how the stone performs.

    Moderators: this was not a good call - a bit above & beyond.

    Any honesters that have experience w/ how a Karasi or a Tomae is used? Mr. Carter doesn't believe in slurries - just water. Can a Stone's potential as a final finisher be indicated by some laps w/ just water? Guys w/ Jnat experience - 'would appreciate your thoughts. Maybe this seeming opportunity is best let go - or a good way to get a worthy rock for a 2nd platform on which to finish. The priority for me is the smoothness.
    Last edited by pinklather; 11-20-2010 at 02:46 AM.

  4. #14
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    Pinklather, I understand your feelings, but rules are rules. However, I don't believe the intention was to stop me from discussing the performance of stones etc. I recently posted a long and relatively complete discussion on the use of Nagura's, slurries, natural and synthetic stones on another forum. Unfortunately that forum is down with some kind of problems. If and when it comes back up I'll put a link here so you can read the posts. Alas I can't duplicate what I wrote because I can't get to the posts there either

  5. #15
    Member Gracecab's Avatar
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    I don't have any experience with those. Good luck.

  6. #16
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    Pinklather: That forum is available again and the link is:

    hope it helps

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Namuh, Thank You!

    I appreciate the steer to some good input on the mysterious and costly rocks.

  8. #18
    Wannabe *********** Muscles's Avatar
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    (as posted on B&B tonight)

    Ok, so now I have something to report.

    Since I have little a lot less honing experience than all the Honemeisters on here I figured no matter how I tested this stone my word wouldn't count for squat. Never the less, a little experiment was in order for me to prove to myself whether this stone form Carter was good or bad. However, to figure that out I needed a benchmark stone - my select coticule.

    I am quietly confident in using my coticule and I have been shaving with razors I have honed myself and finished on my coti for the past 6 weeks.

    My progression to date has been:
    King Deluxe 1200
    Norton 4k
    Norton 8k
    Select Coticule & Bout with slurry diluted til just water
    Strop 60 laps on canvas the 40 laps on Ken Rups Paladin

    I figured I would change as little as possible for this test so I substituted my coti for the J-nat I got from carter so my progression would be:

    King Deluxe 1200
    Norton 4k
    Norton 8k
    Tomae Honyama with Slurry (Produced with DMT8C) diluted til just water
    Strop 60 laps on canvas the 40 laps on Ken Rups Paladin

    I used my Dovo 5/8 on my Coticule and my Dovo 6/8 on the Tomae.

    I have now blunted, sharpened, finished and shaved with each razor 3 times and I have to say I am having a hard time distinguishing between the two on initial shaves. I do think now that the coticule provides a slightly smoother shave and the Tomae is (for me) scary sharp and very unforgiving. Both are giving very close shaves. I guess only time will tell which edge holds longest and so from here on through I will only maintain them with stropping on cloth/leather.

    Anyway, look back up at the title of this thread...... "My first JNAT" - HAHA Yeah right Today I have placed an order with Takeshi for an Umegahata and have been speaking with Maksim re an Ozuku and will be getting one soon. I also have a couple of synthetic finishers en route - and so it begins.....

  9. #19
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Marc , I see you're in Sydney. I f you'd like to do some comparison testing to my J-Nats just send me a PM. Maybe we can see why you find the edge "unforgiving"
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to onimaru55 For This Useful Post:

    Muscles (11-27-2010)

  11. #20
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    If you have a problem or question about a Mod decision the gentlemanly thing to do is bring it up with the Mod that notified you directly and by PM, not bring it up publicly.


    Last edited by Stubear; 11-26-2010 at 01:24 PM.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Stubear For This Useful Post:

    pinklather (11-29-2010)

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