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  1. #1
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    Default Any ideas on what this hone might be?

    Bought this little hone on ebay, I figured I couldn't go wrong for the price. Black stone, seems fairly soft, no oil residue on it, easily makes a very black and fine slurry. In the picture it looks like there might be some red color to the stone, but once cleaned up it's black inside and out.

    The thickness of the stone is about 1/8". The wood block looks to be Red Oak, it's made from three pieces of wood bonded together, I suppose to control warping of the wood. The printing on the block is somewhat legible- the brand name is pretty much gone, ends with 'Y'. Under the brand is 'Fayettville' and 'Syracuse', so it came from New York.

    Maybe a slate hone? Reminds me of a piece of wet/dry sandpaper more than anything.. makes a heck of a nice finishing stone for the wife's kitchen knives, I'd sure think it'd be a good stone for setting the bevel on a razor.

    I tried to keep the attachments small, if anyone wants better pictures I can send or attach them to another post. My kindest thanks to any who can help me out with this.
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  2. #2
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    Wasn't this one described as sanding block? It looks like slate which can be as fine as 12k but is usually around 6-8k in grit. Nothing special but it has an interesting look combined with the oak.

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  4. #3
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    Slate it is, thank you. Yes, it's the sanding block stone, sorta looks like a sanding block too.



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