Hi. Last week I acquired what I thought was my first Thuringian hone. It's about 6" long by 1.5" wide. Now I had never seen one before in person and I am afraid that I still might not have! What do I mean by this? I guess I am wondering if I have a true Thuringian water hone. I definitely have taken a look at every picture I could, in the forums, of Thuringians and thought that was exactly what I had until I started taking a very close look at my C12K. Now the stone that I think is a Thuringian is just a little lighter in blue/grey color than the C12K but everything else about them are similar. They both "feel" VERY similar as far as texture goes, when I run my finger back and forth on them. They both produce a similar slurry. Those of you who have a C12K are familiar with the darker grey/black lines that sometimes are seen in them and I even see one of these similar lines in my "Thuringian". Is that possible in a Thuringian? Do Thuringians ever have those slightly darker "veins" running through them? I even looked at them both under my pocket microscope and they look very similar. I know there are varying shades of dark grey C12K and varying shades of Thuringians.
I could post a picture but I do believe most of you would say "Oh that's probably a Thuringian. What I am wondering though is if there is one very specific thing that will definitely identifying a Thuringian? Is there one specific thing (trait) that will definitely set a Thuringian apart from a C12K, when they both have similar color tones?
