I posted a while ago about this BBW that I have that leaves godly edges. Finer than the coticule side... IDK... The thing is, I did this little experiment where I polished a piece of metal with the slurry and the scratches from the BBW are definitely bigger. The coticule side though seems to work faster??????? I decided to drop that before I went crazy and just decided that the BBW leaves a hell of a good edge. The feel of the blade on the face though is different, the coticule seems to be smoother but doesn't cut as comfortable as the BBW side, but! the BBW leaves the skin a bit red and is harsher.
Anyway I decided to drop that experiment, the edge of a Jnat is best to my liking. Puma plus Jnat= hair squeegee and I just don't mess around with all that anymore. My sanity has no price.