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Thread: How soon do you have to hone a shave ready Dovo?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    "How soon do you have to hone a shave ready Dovo?"

    The answer is: whenever it needs honing.

    It's as simple as that. Too often we argue about how long a blade should last, and get caught in the mindset that a blade SHOULD go for months and months without seeing a stone. The reality is who cares? Your face will tell you when the blade needs honing. This could be after 5 shaves, or it could be after 55 shaves. Obviously, with more experience and better technique you will find you can prolong the time between honing, but don't worry about that now. If you find your blade is tugging, take the five minutes and do a touchup and problem solved.
    PA23-250 and BKratchmer like this.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    BKratchmer (06-11-2011), JeffR (06-09-2011)

  3. #12
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    If I didn't set the bevel, then the bevel is not set. If you have no honing experience, send it out for all the above reasons.

    I would take it down to 3k, do maybe 30-40 circles, then 20 laps, then move to the 8K for 20-30 laps, then coticule, then Escher.

    Otherwise, normal touch ups about once a month on an Escher. It can not be answered with any accuracy, as it depends how often you use it, and various other variables. Say, 15-20 shaves as a guideline?
    Last edited by Scipio; 06-08-2011 at 06:20 PM.

  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    "How soon do you have to hone a shave ready Dovo?"

    The answer is: whenever it needs honing.

    It's as simple as that. Too often we argue about how long a blade should last, and get caught in the mindset that a blade SHOULD go for months and months without seeing a stone. The reality is who cares? Your face will tell you when the blade needs honing. This could be after 5 shaves, or it could be after 55 shaves. Obviously, with more experience and better technique you will find you can prolong the time between honing, but don't worry about that now. If you find your blade is tugging, take the five minutes and do a touchup and problem solved.
    +1 Well stated.
    I think the most difficult thing to learn is how to tell when
    a blade is getting dull. We make a lot of noise on making a
    blade sharp but knowing when it is dull and should be
    refreshed on a hone is another skill. A tossable plastic
    razor is a useful touch stone in this regard. Most of us
    consider the tossables to have less than stellar edges yet
    they shave millions of faces. So when a straight is duller
    than a third shave tossabe and does not respond to the strop
    it needs to visit a hone.

  5. #14
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    as it has been already pointed out the consensus is, hone when it needs to be honed. When I was learning though I had a tenancy to hone way to often due to poor shaving/stropping technique. My advice is to get a good barber hone from an antique store (I really like the Swatey Three Line) and give your razor a few passes every few shaves. Doing this I only really need to take my razors (including a new 6/8 dovo) every 4-5 months.
    niftyshaving likes this.

  6. #15
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    I have 3 Dovos. @ 2 were honed by gssixgun, Glen, & the other was bought from Lynn @ SRD...

    All were honed about the same time... Dec 09'

    Now they are in rotation with 6 razors and I shave 3 times a week. I didn't figure out the math but while I could tune them up soon I still get BEAUTIFUL shaves from them.

    Honed right, & yours coming from SRD means it absolutly was, and good technique will give you a long stretch between honing.

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