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Thread: Naniwa 1k after honing

  1. #1
    Member reggyboy's Avatar
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    Default Naniwa 1k after honing

    Could someone please tell me what i have to do with regards to cleaning the 1k Naniwa after i have honed with it.Do i have to remove all the marks left on it after i have wiped it down?

  2. #2
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    You can lap it with a DMT if you have one or you can scrub with a nylon brush. I just leave mine and lap between each use.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    +1 I do a light lapping before I start, (about 5 figure 8's with a DMT 325) and between each razor, or maybe during if it is a heavy bevel set but I just rinse them let them dry on a towel and put them away after I am done...
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  4. #4
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I just rinse after using them and then lightly lap with figure 8's like Glen mentioned above before using again.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reggyboy View Post
    Could someone please tell me what i have to do with regards to cleaning the 1k Naniwa after i have honed with it.Do i have to remove all the marks left on it after i have wiped it down?
    More to the point you also want to keep if flat
    so the razor and all your hones make good

    A light visit to the lap prior to honing can leave
    a light slurry that speeds the hone up and then
    rinsing the slurry off in stages gets you
    the best edge the hone can give you.

    So lap it lightly prior to use. If you
    do it right you are only lapping half the
    thickness of a sheet of paper from the
    hone each time.

    Do look at the YouTube videos by gssixgun
    where he uses a figure eight lapping motion.
    See post #3 above...

    So when done, rinse and rub clean
    with your hand. Prior to use lap LIGHTLY
    to keep it flat.

  6. #6
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    You need to lap the naniwa stones every time you use them, they clog easily. Then rinse after using and wipe them with your hand under running water. Wipe dry and that's it, really.

  7. #7
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I normally lap or clean mine after every use. Typically, I just rub my fingers across the top under running water and most of the junk or swarf is removed and then a few times over with the DMT 325 takes care of the rest. Then I put it up for the next use. Prior to use I either soak it for 5 minutes or spray it until it quits drinking water quickly and it's good to go. I usually set the bevels on about 12 razors with it prior to cleaning it off and although it does collect some swarf, it still gets the job done well on all 12. Some of the razors are done with one set of circles and some can take 2-4 sets. I have never tried to average those out and just work with each razor until I think it's ready to move to the 4K. The only reason I have moved to the Chosera 1K for bevel setting is that it's a little harder feeling and I do use a fair amount of pressure when setting the bevel. For me the results between the two are very similar.
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