Ok, so I bid on a carborundum barbers hone, supposed to be a 118S Razor hone, right?

So, it arrives today, and I open the little box that say's it's a carborundum 118S Razor Hone and instead what do I find inside? A Frictionite 00 instead!!!! I got it for under 15$ also.

The course side needs some lapping, which I'm doing as I type, but the other side is perfect.

I thought it was a good thing, instead of me getting screwed again, at least this time I came out a little bit on the better side of the deal!!

Now, someone tell me about the Frictionites please? I've read that the one side is close to 5 or 6k and the other more like 10k, any one agree, disagree, whatever??

I'm lapping it on glass with 400 grit wet or dry. Any one see a problem with this either? I was going to graduate to the 600 but at the rate its working I may not have to. The course side has a indent defect I can't figure out how it got there, but it's going to be hell getting it out.

But, if anyone has any advice or whatever for using, caring for or let me know not to use it, whatever, I'm interested in anything anyone has to tell me.

Thanks for listening!!
