Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
Yup, Wa powders are either powdered jnat or some synthetic, the synthetic is usually crap.
It's not very good at removing metal so I start off with wet n dry and finish off with nugui powder.
I use e piece of leather or a cotton ball with it, mix with oil or water but never ever let it go dry.
If it dries when polishing it will scratch, if it dries as a paste it might form lumps that will scratch.

Sure you could make a progression of different powders but since they are slow and only for final looks why would you.

It doesn't have to be from jnats, any fine natural hone will do, I've tried lots of different ones on steel and also for making a nice surface on gold and silver.
Great! Thank you very much!
It's now clear that's really useful after the sanding stage, I'm looking forward to experiment!

Most kindest regards,
