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Thread: Shapton Stones

  1. #1
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    Default Shapton Stones

    Just got my 10 piece Shapton stones in and I had a question. Has anyone noticed that the 16000 stone being much more abrasive to the touch than lower grit stones. I can feel the increasing smoothness from the 4000 to 6000 to 8000, but then it seems rather abrasive when I jump to the 16000 and then gets glass like when I jump to the 30000 stone. Any one else notice the abrasiveness of the 16000 stone compared to the others? Should I be concerned about this?



  2. #2
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    My 16k isn't like that at all. Did you lap the stone before using them?

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    vcotton (09-30-2011)

  4. #3
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    I haven't used them at all. I don't think I will for awhile, but I just pulled the stones out of the boxes to put in the holder for storage and noticed that the 16k stone is definitely more abrasive to the touch than the lower numbered stones. My main concern is this is labeled wrong or something from the factory. Kinda weird.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'd give the vendor a call and run it by him. I had the shapton pro stones in progressive grits all the way up and they were very smooth. I haven't had the glass so can't say first hand but the vendor has probably had the opportunity to see/feel many of them.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    vcotton (09-30-2011)

  7. #5
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Ah, then I wouldn't worry at all really.
    Even if you don't plan to use them yet, you could lap them now anyway.
    Mine came very flat, so they didn't need much lapping at all, but you need to get that top "layer" off.

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    vcotton (09-30-2011)

  9. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vcotton View Post
    Just got my 10 piece Shapton stones in and I had a question. Has anyone noticed that the 16000 stone being much more abrasive to the touch than lower grit stones.
    Do you lap them?
    Is your lap solution new, and what is it.

    There are a couple pros here that use them day in and day
    out. I will let them speak for themselves but I would
    guess that you are feeling new hone surface issues that
    will vanish with use (not so much with lapping).

    My two cent solution is to audition the hones using a
    razor with a lot of hone/spine wear. I would put a grid on each
    hone and see if the pencil grid wears off evenly (consistently) with
    honing. I would also walk the natural slurry from the
    previous hone to the next hone as you work down the stack.
    i.e. transfer natural slurry from the previous hone. Then hone
    about 1/3 of the hone strokes with that slurry then rinse clear
    and finish the last 2/3 letting a natural slurry build up. Each hone
    will see slurry only from the previous coarser hone, and the well used
    razor will worry any 'new' hone surface oddness away. On the
    last hone rinse twice and finish honing with clear water.

    When done the grid pattern that remains should be
    nearly identical on each of your Shapton hones. Unlike
    lapping removal of the grid is not the goal. Consistent honing is.

    Flat can also be tested and maintained hone to hone to hone to hone
    down the stack. If you decide to do this more than once in a while do
    alternate the "top" hone as the hone on top will tend to hollow
    and the bottom will round. Think "half a sheet of paper" or less
    when lapping for flat.

    Most importantly do not set out to "fix" your hones in an aggressive way.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 09-30-2011 at 07:32 PM. Reason: balance 'quotes"

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    vcotton (09-30-2011)

  11. #7
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    I'll give the vendor a call as recommended to see if they have seen this before. It's not their problem really, but they might be able to tell me if this is normal. It's just really odd because the 4k, 6k and 8k are so smooth to touch and then the 16k is so rough comparatively speaking.

    I don't really know what to expect with any of this stuff. I've been researching straight razor shaving for over a year and just recently took the plunge. I've been buying stuff like crazy and enjoying it, but I I haven't used some of the stuff yet and don't know when I will. I don't think I'll be honing anytime soon because my razors are sharp. I just bought the stones so I would have them when it was time. I did get a cheaper new razor that was not honed and I plan on trying to set the bevel myself after some more reading and video watching on honing. But, I'm not planning on touching my good razors until I have more experience under my belt.

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  12. #8
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Remembering when I grid-lapped mine, I think I spent less than 3 minutes on each, they were really flat right out of the box.

    OP, you have a cheap dull razor, I'd say you should jump in and start learning right away.

    As you say it's a 10-piece set with holder, sounds like SRD is the vendor.
    I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your set.
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    vcotton (09-30-2011)

  14. #9
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    I was reading before I purchased them that many people say they are so flat that they probably don't need to be lapped before first use, but I'll do that before I use them.

    I'm gonna use another razor (a Hen & Rooster) I purchased specifially to learn on.

    Yes, I did get them at SRD. They were all factory sealed and like I said I don't think it has anything to do with the vendor, but common sense tells me the 16k stone should be smoother than the lower numbered stones and it isn't by a long shot. Maybe after lapping it will improve. I'm just a little compulsive about everything.

    On another note, I can't wait to post pictures/video of my "Shave Cave" once I'm done with everything. I have a really large bathroom that I'm "pimping" out. It already has a walk-in shower, a separate bath tub that holds 3 (yes I've tested it!), and the room even has a tv. When I'm done it's gonna have the works. Recently ordered a TI 7 day set in English with rams horn scales. I'm having a custom shadow/display box with museum quality glass made to display my other razors and brushes. It should be done in another couple of weeks. I'm waiting on my Paragon towel steamer to get here. The final piece will be a antique barber's chair. I'm trying to decide on one now, but everything I've found that I like is a long way from Texas. So, I might be taking a road trip soon.
    Last edited by vcotton; 09-30-2011 at 09:07 PM.

  15. #10
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    As has already been stated, just lap it and you will notice the difference. I just lapped a new 16K and had noticed the same thing.
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Str8Shooter For This Useful Post:

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