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Thread: One of those days ...

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Default Today was one of those days ...

    ... when everything falls into place I never was good with the hones, I dabbled around with different naturals (Coticules and German water stones). A couple of years ago, a couple of months before I joined here (my friends Neils very good suggestion) I decided not to hone anymore. After I hooked up with Neil Miller, it seemed stupied anyway, I never was going to get my edges anywhere close to his... Well, approx half a year ago I decided I should give it another try. But this time I bought some Choseras (cheers Don!) and I allready got my rather nice knife 1k/4k japanese water stone (but I only use the 1k side for razors, after the Chosera 600).

    I need a Shapton 16 gs too, but I'm in no hurry. I've been honing away on a Swedish blade for a couple of times now, but the steel's _very_ hard (almost feels like a stainless steel blade) and I never got an edge on it... So today I changed blade, to a no name extra hollow German razor and I got a very nice edge, really fast (these Choseras are very nice and fast!)

    I've been reading up here at times and I want to thank you guys and Neil for all the tips I've got!

    My work station today:
    Last edited by Mikael; 10-09-2011 at 01:44 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Very nice. I have had days like that. You get in just the right groove and things fall into place. Great job and keep up the good work!
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  3. #3
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    You've met Neil Miller? Must have been a great experience. I have done business with the man several times, and it is always a pleasure. Always much more than a transaction, Neil provides endless advice with a very warm and friendly demeanour. I imagine meeting him would be very interesting and educational. Neil is an authority on British hones, and he puts an excellent edge on a razor. Certainly a benchmark edge to work towards!
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    You've met Neil Miller? Must have been a great experience. I have done business with the man several times, and it is always a pleasure. Always much more than a transaction, Neil provides endless advice with a very warm and friendly demeanour. I imagine meeting him would be very interesting and educational. Neil is an authority on British hones, and he puts an excellent edge on a razor. Certainly a benchmark edge to work towards!
    No, I'm sorry to say. We where to meet this summer, when I and the family was in London for 2 ½ weeks, but fait put a stop to that We've traded many, many mails and you're spot on - he's a truly friendly and nice guy + a walking Britannica Encyclopedia of razors. He reads lots of stuff and researches all the time, for new methods to hone or make strops. He once sent me booklet from late 18:th century, written by the royal cut throat master and I enjoyed reading that one, a lot (very little has changed ). If I one day (many years from now) can come close to Neils edges, I'll be _very_ happy.

    For me it all started when I contacted him for a hone and restore job, it ended up in a trade and a very nice friendship.

  5. #5
    lz6 is offline
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    May you have many more great days like today!
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