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Thread: Cutlers Green? Or whatever you guys SAY it is!

  1. #1
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Default Cutlers Green? Or whatever you guys SAY it is!

    I dug out that small jewelers stone, and lapped it out a bit. I don't have any supper fine sandpaper, so after the course DMT I tried to give it a go on a ceramic stone, which IT lapped the ceramic. I tried again on a black Ark, and they both were wearing on each other, so this thing is close in hardness to an ark. Slurry off the DMT is an off white/creamy color with a tendency to clump up. Of course, my color perception is pretty lousy, so I might not be seeing what I think I see. This is her, with water.
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  2. #2
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    It looks like Olivia's example and also appears quite small, though it has consistent speckles rather than banding, again like Olivia's. I have seen Tam O'shanters akin to your stone, though yours appears narrower in section.

    The bottom line is that no one knows for sure what a Cutler's Green looks like. What are the sizes? Have you tried a razor on your stone yet?

  3. #3
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Have not yet tried it. Just finished lapping it up a few hours ago! this one measures in at approx 6in x 1.5 x 5/8 I will find a blade from my rotation that can use some love, and give it some stroking. Let you know what I find.

  4. #4
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    You say the slurry with the DMT is an off white creamy color, check your DMT, you might need a new one. I watched Sham a couple of years ago before Charnleys became famous again lap one with a DMT, I watched the slurry as it went down the drain, it wasnt from the Charnley.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  5. #5
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    I am way to upset just now to look at my DMT. I just sliced a huge one into my good strop!
    As far as the honing goes.... Started with a refresh on the old Norton 4/8 moved up to a Coti. On to Green stone. Improvement. Back to 8k/coti and then onto a 16k Shapton Glass. On to greeny. Improvement! I then sat there going back and forth between the green stone, and a super fine Thury that I got from Sham. I have a hard time differentiating between them, even under the scope. I did try a variety of ways... slurry, water, dish soap, other dish soap. Slurry was bad. actually seemed to degrade the edge. Of course, if the slurry was made up of diamond bits, that would certainly expain it! (deliberate spelling mistake) a study now needs to be made over which dish soaps are best for honing. Dove seems to work better for me than Dawn Ultra, but maybe that's just me! Ended up getting the best finish using constantly running water (read that trick somewhere else in these forums) I suspect that this stone WOULD be better with some kind of oil, but I am not ready to oil my stones just yet!. I was getting it ready to take for a test shave, when I whacked my strop.
    So, maybe tomorrow, instead of at 1.30 in the morning.

  6. #6
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    It sounds like you have an excellent finishing hone, but the shave is the ultimate test. It can also be hard to tell with fine hones whether a stone improves an already fine edge, without a microscope of course. You need to see the scratches imparted by said hone and their depth.

    The fact that the stone came from a jeweller may support it being a Cutler's Green ('CG') though I have seen some very small and narrow Tams dedicated for jeweller's use being around 110 x 12mm. Your stone also appears to be finer than the only literature I have seen regarding CGs polishing attributes, namely Olivia's which advises CGs are in the 8-10K equivalent.

    Of course, specimens can vary and Olivia's may not be a CG.

    In any case you have a nice finisher (subject to shave).
    Last edited by Scipio; 10-28-2011 at 11:37 AM.

  7. #7
    Chat room is open Piet's Avatar
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    The stone at Olivia's website may or may not be a Cutler's Green, just like all of us she can't know for sure it is one.

    Magpie's stone is not a Cutler's Green. I've seen a dozen of these at SRP. Adsrpach found one at Llyn Idwal and I recently saw one labeled as Grecian Hone. I still have one just like it (sold 2) and one more blueish. They are nice stones, I've seen some rated at 9-10k. They can be expensive to get because they're often mistaken for CFs and most are pretty

  8. #8
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    I have a couple of similar stones too. I wasn't 100% as to what they were - Tam/Idwall/Green CF or possibly even CG. There are several different hones that very similar in appearance when photographed.

  9. #9
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Ok, Shave is in. Cool Green Stone:

    Appearance : Pretty! (and yes, it does look different than it photographs)

    Feedback : Satin as opposed to an Thury stones Silk or Velvet. Strong. feels courser than it is.

    Speed : Slow

    Fine ness. Very Fine But less so than my Thurry,

    Shave. Smooth, cool. no burns or harsh spots.

    Certainly a good stone. I would be happy to let somebody with more experience to a turn with her, just to see how my amateur assessment holds up.

  10. #10
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    Do you have more pictures? So far I would say Llyn Idwall would be my tip due to pattern and hardness.
    Ther was CG for sale few years back here on SRP but dissapeared before I had chance to get my mitts on it.

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