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Thread: Shapton GS and Naniwa SS - Feedback/Feel, Keenness, Smoothness and Consistency

  1. #1
    Member Sparky75's Avatar
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    Default Shapton GS and Naniwa SS - Feedback/Feel, Keenness, Smoothness and Consistency

    As a newbie to straight razor shaving, the time is approaching to start learning the art of honing. After reading the WIKI and some posts, I've narrowed my starting point choices to the Shapton Ceramic on Glass (not the high carbon version) and the Naniwa Super Stones. the goal is to obtain a basic, but complete setup, for each manufacturer; one stone to cover the four basic grit ranges from bevel setting to finishing and the lapping stone. This would be the 1K-4K-8K-16K and DGLP for Shapton and the 2K-5K-8K-12K plus Naniwa Lapping Plate for the Naniwa system. This is probably just the starting point, as I will probably try things like felt and paste, or a natural stone to increase the polish

    So I'm looking for input regarding their qualities of feedback, keenness, smoothness and consistency. I realized that my results are going to vary from the experienced honesters/Honemeisters reading, but all opinions are welcome. I'm sure each one has strengths and weaknesses and I an trying to get a feel for each set so to pick what I believe will be the best set for me, then adjusting from the set to tweak to my personal preference.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    I have a full Shapton System and I'm biased towards them, I've only done 3-4 razors on the Naniwas.
    Now both system offers great shaves, the results off the 12k Naniwa didn't feel much different from the Shapton 16k, both great keen edges. Now since I'm used to the Shaptons, they offer me the feedback I'm used to, the Naniwas felt softer and don't cut as fast.

    Btw, if you end up with Naniwas, do not buy the Naniwa lapping plate, you want a DMT D8C instead. And you don't really need the Shapton DGLP , the DMT rock on the Shaptons as well...

  3. #3
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I echo Blix's comment on the DMT for lapping your stones. I have Shapton GS's and Naniwa SS's. I use the Shapton GS's almost exclusively. The Shapton's are the "latest & greatest". YOU WILL NOT GO WRONG WITH EITHER SET. All you will hear from this point is personal preferences, neither set is any better than the other. I would like to recommend one change no matter whatever system you choose: Naniwa Chosera 1K for bevel setting.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #4
    Member TZee's Avatar
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    I'm going to throw some fuel on this and say that a Chosera 1K is not needed and can be replaced by a a Shapton Pro 1500, a Shapton GS 500 or GS 1K.

    If it was me making the purchase, I'd go with the Shaptons--most likely the Pros, but the GS are also nice.

  5. #5
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    I have the Naniwa SS 1-3-8-12K and I get very good results from them, the only thing I would like is a faster bevel setter like the Chosera 1K, the SS 1K is a good stone, but when I sit down to hone I often do 3-4 razors at once and a faster stone would be nice sometimes.
    One thing about the Naniwas is that they tend to clog quite fast so you have to clean them quite often.
    I've also honed a handfull of razors on Blix's shaptons, which IMHO are great stones, the feedback is quite different than the SS, but like Blix I don't feel much difference between the SS 12K and GS 16K.
    You will not go wrong with either, they are both great sets, but the Shaptons cost a little more and the feedback of them makes them more ore less fool proof.
    Last edited by Zephyr; 12-14-2011 at 05:45 PM.
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  6. #6
    Member Sparky75's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone, lots of good info here.

  7. #7
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I just hope that anyone making a recommendation to the OP has time & experience with the stones mentioned before they make a recommendation. valid would the post be?
    Terje K likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  9. #8
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    I just hope that anyone making a recommendation to the OP has time & experience with the stones mentioned before they make a recommendation. valid would the post be?
    Indeed a very good point.
    ScottGoodman likes this.

  10. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Bingo !!!

    Oh BTW I do have just a bit of experience with both LOL

    I have to agree with Shooter through if you are talking about spending real money on either set, a dedicated bevel setter is a huge plus and nothing that I have tested yet beats a Chosera 1k... I have tested quite a few of them too hehehe I like the 1k stones...

    As to which set, the only difference that is tangible is the feedback from the stones, the Naniwas are a tiny bit easier to use on problem razors that tend to chip, but the Shaptons might as well throw a huge red flag in the air when it is time to change stones....

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  11. #10
    Member Supernas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

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    more like check your bank account

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