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Thread: King 1k

  1. #1
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    Thumbs up King 1k

    I have been getting a good feel for this King 1k for a little while now so thought I would tell you guys what I think. I bought the 27 dollar one from woodcraft and it is a soft stone but it's also huge, and it's not too soft. May have to lap it every few razors but it's very easy to do. I am very surprised how great this stone preforms, feels very smooth and leaves a very uniform light scratch pattern. Some stones can really have a more gouging like scratch pattern which I don't like but this one is very smooth. Some people have said it cuts slow but it seems to cut at a medium pace. I keep it submerged under water when not in use as the box suggested because it is a thirsty stone. It's best used with a water spray bottle because it absorbs water so fast. Over all I am very happy with this stone as a great bevel setter, and I think it is a great stone for any price. Even better it only cost 27 bucks, and it's bigger than a brick.
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  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to xMackx For This Useful Post:

    111Nathaniel (01-17-2012), Havachat45 (01-18-2012), Martin103 (01-16-2012), Theseus (01-17-2012)

  3. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Anyone who takes the time to do a write up on a 1k

    Here is more light reading for you

  4. #3
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    The King 1000 is a good stone , I've had one for more than 20 years . I've used it in the past for razors , but I've been using a Norton 1k for the past 3 years or so , because it's a little faster than the King . I still use the King for knives , and tools , because it seems more durable than the Norton .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  5. #4
    Senior Member 111Nathaniel's Avatar
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    Thanks for your description, I also like the king. I like the fact it has lots of feedback and not too slow. A bit slow on the stainless knives, i'd assume it's also slow for stainless razors relatively speaking.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Another huge fan here of the King 1k(actually all of the King's). Great feedback and does seem to leave a shallower scratch pattern than the other synthetics.. I've owned or used all of the main bevel setters, excepting the Chosera, and find myself always coming back to the King.
    xMackx likes this.

  7. #6
    Member kamikazeproject's Avatar
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    Yep... I got one of these a couple of months ago on Glen's recommendation when I decided to start trying my hand at restorations, and as far as sound and touch feedback go, it has to be my favorite stone, I think. For me, I can almost tell exactly when it's done, because the razor gets this funny little acceleration thing that happens all of the sudden in the middle of a stroke.... after that, it just takes a few really light ones to finish it up on that stone.

  8. #7
    Poor Fit
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    Its a great stone. I love mine and wouldn't give it up, especially for the price.
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  9. #8
    Senior Member RogueRazor's Avatar
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    great to hear, I have one coming)

  10. #9
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    What I find strange is that my King 1k feels smoother to the touch (fingers) than my norton 4 and 8k but the scratch patterns concur the grit ratings. I think it's because of the different abrasives/fillers/adhesives and the porosity of different stones.

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xMackx View Post
    What I find strange is that my King 1k feels smoother to the touch (fingers) than my norton 4 and 8k but the scratch patterns concur the grit ratings. I think it's because of the different abrasives/fillers/adhesives and the porosity of different stones.
    I forget where I read it, I'm prettey sure that I've mentioned it on here as well, but I read that the King's were made to mimic J-nats in the way they feel and cut. Not sure if it's true or not but there is quite a bit of difference in how a King feels vs a Norton or Naniwa.

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