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  1. #1
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Default First time honing

    Well gents, today was my first time honing on a 1000k, 4k, and a 8k and I must say if it wasn't for his website. I never would have got the help I needed on my first time honing I set the bevel on there just right. I had a few newbie mistakes but I'm sure it wont be the last of them but after doing the 4k and 8k I went and shaved a small portion on my neck and it was awesome I got it the first try so I was happy. Tomorrow I'll actually shave the whole face with it so I can't wait. Now all I need to get is practice razors to keep practicing.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Take it slow and use an extra-light touch when you start using a razor that you've honed yourself. The Norton 8k can give a really nice edge, but it can also be harsh. Be sure to strop the daylights out of the edge before using it. At least 100 laps on leather.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Indeed it does take a soft touch on the 8k it's going to take getting used to that's for sure

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