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Thread: length-wise glued Nortons

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb length-wise glued Nortons

    Hi all,

    I had a stupid idea, that I did not put into practice since I don't have Nortons, but I thought somebody may have already tried or would be interested in trying and reporting:

    What about "gluing" or "fixing" one Norton 4k and one Norton 8k (and make one long hone) so that you could, in a long stroke, start on a 4k and continuously finish on the 8k? That would give a complete new dimension to pyramids...


  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I got a better idea, why dont you try it and tell us how it works! LOL Sometimes its the crazy stuff that makes a difference. Have fun.
    Grizzley1 and Martin103 like this.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  3. #3
    Senior Member tlittle's Avatar
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    It sounds like it would start to work for half your lap, but then on the way back you'd be finishing on 4k.

    Perhaps an 8k with two 4k's on either end of it...?
    christophe likes this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    Nah just put it on a lazy Susan and spin it around so now the 4k is facing you

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    Senior Member tlittle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsunami View Post
    Nah just put it on a lazy Susan and spin it around so now the 4k is facing you
    Ooh, sneaky

  6. #6
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Oo a lazy Susan for hones... With a faucet in the centre... And a drain around the rim...

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    Faucet present complex design issues involving math! Lol now the rim to catch water and slurry is a nice addition

  8. #8
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlittle View Post
    It sounds like it would start to work for half your lap, but then on the way back you'd be finishing on 4k.

    Perhaps an 8k with two 4k's on either end of it...?
    I would cut the hones in half length wise. Then glue them in clockwise order, 4K-8K-4K-8K. You would have to bevel them in the center length wise so you wouldn't be using both sides at the same time. At the peak I would flatten it a little also so you would never touch a 4K or 8K portion at the same time.

    A Pyramid has 4 sides and this system has 2 like a Tent.

    THEREFORE! I call this the Tent System. Remember you have heard it here first!

    It ALSO includes some fantastic strokes to learn. I will go into more detail in my yet to be produced video for the yet to be disclosed price. I will include an example here.

    Follows are the instructions for the Elbow Stroke. I call it this because it calls for extreme movement of your Elbow. After several strokes on both sides you will want to finish only on the 8-K portions. ATTENTION! this is for a right handed person. Change it if you are a Lefty. Position the 8-K on the far side away from you to the right. Pull towards you. Start with a LOW Elbow, As you approach the 4-K on that side raise your Elbow HIGH and finish the stroke on the Left side of the hone. Reverse your direction and keep your Elbow High until you approach the 4-K on that side and then drop it dramatically and finish the stroke.

    Come to the Frozen Toe razor meet tomorrow and you can get an exclusive preview of this system!


  9. #9
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I would cut the hones in half length wise. Then glue them in clockwise order, 4K-8K-4K-8K. You would have to bevel them in the center length wise so you wouldn't be using both sides at the same time. At the peak I would flatten it a little also so you would never touch a 4K or 8K portion at the same time.

    A Pyramid has 4 sides and this system has 2 like a Tent.

    THEREFORE! I call this the Tent System. Remember you have heard it here first!

    It ALSO includes some fantastic strokes to learn. I will go into more detail in my yet to be produced video for the yet to be disclosed price. I will include an example here.

    Follows are the instructions for the Elbow Stroke. I call it this because it calls for extreme movement of your Elbow. After several strokes on both sides you will want to finish only on the 8-K portions. ATTENTION! this is for a right handed person. Change it if you are a Lefty. Position the 8-K on the far side away from you to the right. Pull towards you. Start with a LOW Elbow, As you approach the 4-K on that side raise your Elbow HIGH and finish the stroke on the Left side of the hone. Reverse your direction and keep your Elbow High until you approach the 4-K on that side and then drop it dramatically and finish the stroke.

    Come to the Frozen Toe razor meet tomorrow and you can get an exclusive preview of this system!

    You make my brain hurt! Lol

  10. #10
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsunami View Post
    You make my brain hurt! Lol
    The video will make it much more clear. As we all know a picture is worth a thousand words!


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