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  1. #1
    Senior Member Gamma's Avatar
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    Default Jnat Finishing Question

    So - When finishing up on a Jnat - after finishing up working on a progression of Nagura slurrys that ends with a fine slurry created with a Tomo Nagura - is there any point to doing any laps on plain water?

    In theory - the slurry from the Tomo would break down with use, and become finer with repeaded passes.
    To me - that means the slurry from the Tomo Nagura would be (after use) finer than the stone's surface. The way I see this - is that it makes no sense to do water-only laps on the stone, which is not as fine as the Tomo Nagura slurry after it's been worked through.

    I've gone back and forth - finishing both ways now (water or Tomo slurry) - and I think that the edges from finishing on the Tomo Nagura slurry are significantly keener but I think the edges from water-only laps are smoother.... Next time around I'm going to do like 5 laps on water only to see if I can hit a balance between the two.

    Does this make sense to anyone?

    I usually hit linen for about 10-20 laps, then leather for 75 or so when I come off the stone.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I like the edge coming off water only. I too find it smother and less harsh after a few laps on water. I find less is better on the water, Just my look on it.
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  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This is a favorite saying of mine "Honing on Synthetics is an exact science, Honing on any Natural is a Romance"

    Not one person on this forum can tell you what your J-nat is going to do we can only tell you what we do on our stones, hence the Romance portion, you have to love that rock and work that rock with each of your razors until you figure out the honing combination for your Stone, Razors, and Stroke...

    That being said, yes some J-nats get a smoother edge off of drying slurry rather than clear water (mine does) but others don't..

  4. #4
    lz6 is offline
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    I really enjoy my edges more finishing with water only on my Japanese naturals using some very light circles
    mixed with some standard X strokes. Glen is absolutely correct with the fact that we can only tell you what
    "our" natural stones do.

    "God is a Havana smoker. I have seen his gray clouds" Gainsburg

  5. #5
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    It can work either way depending on the stone.
    For really really hard stone finishing on slurry might give better feeling edge.

  6. #6
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    +1 on everything above.

    My jnat's slurry gets worked down to a watery jelly which acts like a lather. which gives the sharpness and smoothness and is why I'm better finishing with the watery jelly instead of the hones surface.

    Whatever you do, a light toush seems essential on these stones, any pressure on my jnat and i've got a rough edge

  7. #7
    Senior Member Gamma's Avatar
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    Yep - I was mostly looking for whether or not anyone had the same experience - not so much directions. I have a few naturals, and they all have their own personality. They joy is in the journey for sure but the possibility of getting off track is always just around the corner. Because I over think things sometimes I like to check in here/there to air out ideas and experiences.

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