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Thread: Help with getting a hone set

  1. #11
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    +1 on the DMT D8C (325). You can lap your Norton with it, use it to correct defects (frowns, chips, etc), raise slurry on your stones, and sharpen knives. It is the most used hone I own.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Danricgro For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  3. #12
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Edge off the naniwa 12k can be sublime. I use it after norton set and it is very nice. IMO the norton 220 stone is of little value. Better off with just a 1k stone than the combo. 220 is too thirsty and soft.


  4. The Following User Says Thank You to mjsorkin For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  5. #13
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    I agree that the 12k superstone leaves a very nice edge but my advice would be not to get it until you get everything you can out of the 8k. I was in too big a hurry to get a "finisher" and believe it actually slowed my progress down. Work with the stones up to 8k until you have them mastered before adding a finisher.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Danricgro For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  7. #14
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    the norton set is what I am going with. I think it would be a wise choice for what you want to do. I'm just saying this based on what you said. goodluck with it.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to sleekandsmooth For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  9. #15
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I agree with the above. You cannot go wrong with a DMT 325 for chip removal and flattening. A 3 Norton set and a Naniwa 12000 to finish! I also agree that the 220 norton is of little use. Synthetics are very consistant and best to learn on, IMO.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  11. #16
    Senior Member ItalianJoe's Avatar
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    This is one of those areas in straight razor shaving that is almost like politics. A hundred guys would all say different things. I told my girlfriend that if she ever wants to see a real debate just go online, and start a thread stating "Norton is the Best Hone Ever" lol.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to ItalianJoe For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  13. #17
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    Thanks to all the suggestions so far I'm going to keep researching for a few more weeks then decide from there.. my big thought is if I should get a stone above 8k or wait on it. I already have stones up to 4k

  14. #18
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    What's wrong with starting with the shapton system (4K,8k &.16K). I read it was easier for a beginner to start with.

    I'm also new and wants to know.

    Either way that's the system I got. So far only use the 8k and 16k to maintain the edge. Double O

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to Double0757 For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  16. #19
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    I also think the posters here should state if you have experience with all three systems. As how can you recommend a system over the other, for a beginner, if you never used it?

    I think that's what the poster is asking, but correct me if I'm wrong!

    Double O
    gssixgun likes this.

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Double0757 For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

  18. #20
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamasmelley View Post
    I looking at getting a beginning hone set was just wandering on how these the sets are for user friendly and quality. Here the three i'm looking at: naniwa 5k,8k,12k; shapton 4k,8k,16k; nortan 4k,8k with rockwool strop and. 25 and. 5 micron spray. I'm open to other suggestions too or any combination of these stones.
    I have a Naniwa 1k and its good for beginners, good feedback and gives an edge that you could easily be a 2-3k edge. a naniwa 12k gives really nice edges, soft and sharp and very easy to use. Haven't tried Shaptons at all. The Norton 4k/8k are great workhorse hones but I prefer other stones. I prefer finishing hones to sprays and pastes as a full honing will need to be done eventually because of edge rounding.

    I also think the posters here should state if you have experience with all three systems. As how can you recommend a system over the other, for a beginner, if you never used it?

    I think that's what the poster is asking, but correct me if I'm wrong!
    No, your right, but having experience in a few of them is still useful They're all pretty user friendly, consistent ways to get an edge so it then comes down to other factors like cost, etc. Finishers? it all comes down to what edge you want to end up with, super soft edge sacrificing sharpness, super sharp edge sacrificing softness or balance of both and how easy it is to get there...

    I tried alot before settling on coticules and jnats!

  19. The Following User Says Thank You to justalex For This Useful Post:

    Bamasmelley (02-22-2012)

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