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Thread: Naniwa 3000/10000 or Thuringian + Arkansas?

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    Member KempieG's Avatar
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    Default Naniwa 3000/10000 or Thuringian + Arkansas?

    Greetings shavers,

    I'm currently looking to buy my first set of hones, not for restauration purposes but just maintaining my own herd.

    The vintage barbershop I also bought my first few razors and supplies from has recommended me a Thuringian of approximately 8k in combination with an Arkansas oilstone of also approximately 8k. Now my first question is, what is the main difference between the two? They are both 8k, but I suppose the difference comes from the oil use?

    Now today I stumbled over a local webshop that offers a Naniwa superstone combination of 3000/10000. Both the above mentioned setup and the Naniwa stone are approximately 85 euro, so for the price it doesn't matter to me. What would you guys recommend me to do? My budget is very tight, so I cannot afford to buy an entire set of stones right now.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by KempieG; 03-10-2012 at 09:50 PM.

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