Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
Where's that dang 'Thank You' button! (for Omega)

Rogier, one month of str8 shaving. The urge to be master of your edges rears its head. The urge is strong. Will you conquer it? Or start flailing on stones before you've really learned the shave? I flailed. 'Wish I hadn't. It held back my shaving skills from using sub-standard edges. This is not what you wanted to hear. You're excited, enthusiastic, want more of this great hobby. You're normal.
If you're like myself, and most others, you'll ignore the counsel to stay w/ pro quality edges and start flailing. I did too.

What I might suggest when the flailing monster devours you is to have at least two razors that are kept at pro quality edges. 'Doesn't have to be expensive razors, and it doesn't have to be costly for honing. There's lots of avenues to get pro honing for just the cost of postage and a bubble pack envelope.

You'll need at least a couple of sound razors (again, not expensive) to practice on and hone til they look like chopsticks. If you are devoured by the fleabay/antique store monsters. You'll learn about disappointment and frustration. Can you imagine how I know? Get a couple low cost straights, at least 9/16 tall, full hollow, with no smile (or frown), preferably from a member that calls it shave ready. This way you aren't trying to *restore* an edge and spine wear, thinking its honing. With a humble, shave-ready razor, you have this work already done, and avoid the heartburn. You give yourself a normal chance for success. In the mean time, you're shaving w/ your pro quality edges, and have a standard quality against which to judge your progress.

There's nothing wrong w/ the urge - it sure keeps us going, and a bit poorer for all the silver bullets we pursue. To give perspective on this monster, I can't think of a better thread than the honorable sixgunner:
Note he also recommends 6 mo. of quality edges - and that most ignore this.

If I can be of help w/ edges, I'm happy to help. I'm sure there are many others.
As I said before: I WILL supress the urge to hone untill I'm able to get a straight shave that matches my DE performance. I just want to know what price I should anticipate, so I can save up. I'm always very hesitant when I make big investments, so I make sure I take my time to evaluate all options. Thanks though for the tip to get a couple of practice razors, I didn't think of that. And it's important, because I've gone a little beserk on 1 specific rusty razor(7/8ish), it's now rustfree, but the spine isn't completely straight anymore Any advice on that project?

Now back to topic: what do you prefer? Norton, naniwa or coti?