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Thread: What is your favorite coticule?

  1. #1
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    Default What is your favorite coticule?

    I'm probably opening a can of worm here, but I'm asking what you like the best - not meant to be a debate. So far, I have a few for different purpose. I like Le Dressante for finishing, but standard cot for bevel setting.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    My 8x3 Select Grade that has no lines, marks, or black inclusions on the face The best one I ever had was a Vintage 7x2 that was actually stamped "Extra Extra Fine" until I lapped it off, and was even a more cream colored Yellow than the one I have now..

    Here you can see it in action

    gssixgun Coticule 1 stone honing part 1.wmv - YouTube

    gssixgun Coticule 1 stone honing part 2.wmv - YouTube
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-26-2012 at 02:49 PM.

  • #3
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toovira View Post
    I'm probably opening a can of worm here, but I'm asking what you like the best - not meant to be a debate. So far, I have a few for different purpose. I like Le Dressante for finishing, but standard cot for bevel setting.
    Well im assuming your "standard" is an vintage coticule,there are many named coticules like:
    La grise
    La dressante
    La nouvelle veine
    La veinette
    La grosse Blanche
    Les Latneuses
    La verte
    La veine aux clous
    La petite Blanche.And others as well!!
    Personally i never used a coticule for setting bevels, slow for bevels and wasting a lot of precious stone for a task that can be accomplished on an inexpensive synthetic stone. For finishing i had 3 coticule and found the edge to be nice and smooth but
    always followed the coti with something else so for that reason i sold them all.And comparing this vein to that vein is no easy task
    as being natural stone the variation from the same vein could be a lot different from one person to the other.

  • #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    My favorite coticule is the one I don't own(yet).
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  • #5
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I have a La dressant au Bleu, a natural combi in select grade, that I like.
    Not the greatest bevel setter, nor is it the greatest finisher I have tried, but a decent stone none the less.
    I bought another natural combi of unknown vein as well, but that was not all that to be honest.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  • #6
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I have a vintage one that's smallish, ugly as heck, has all kinds of inclusions, and happens to be the best finisher of all the coticules I've owned.

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  • #7
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    My 'standard' means a recent purchase standard grade coticule - from Boker specifically. Works beautifully though.

  • #8
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    My favorites are...all of them. Havent met one I didn't like yet. I have 2 vintage 175x40 natural combos that would have to fight it out for my favorite. And a vintage 150x40 that is the fastest coticule I have ever used that ranks up there as well. And a La Grise #7 bout that leaves the smoothest buttery edges I have ever shaved with. This question is like asking someone to pick their favorite child.
    eelzrvrs and ShaveWares like this.

  • #9
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    I have used lots of coticules . i had to sell them on and use just one, it was hard parting with them , but i kept my 150x40mm la vainette standard grade . the edges from this stone suit my face and my daily or monthly honing ... very buttery edges and very easy coticule to use and it was one of my cheapest ...

  • #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    This is not an easy question for me to answer. I have a number of them ranging from a few of the old barber standard 2 1/2 x 5" to a couple that are 12x3" that I really am fond of. The Les Lat natural I recently got off of Gary has been getting my attention here lately and I am very glad I added it to the herd.
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