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Thread: 12k or diamond spray?

  1. #1
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    Default 12k or diamond spray?

    I have a Naniwa 12k, and I've done okay with it (all of 1 touchup). However, I think I heard some folks say that they ALWAYS finish with a .5 diamond spray. Should I try to go to the diamond spray after the 12k, or does that only apply after polishing on an 8k or so?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    A fine pasted strop (leather, felt, linenen... you name it) contributes to a smooth and keen shave.
    But above the 8k mark you usually do not need it. Granted your technique is pretty good.
    And when you use it, it doesn't make much difference what stone you finished on previously (8k, 10k, 12k...)
    If you're just doing OK, maybe you should try 0.5µm diamond on felt. Just another way to finish a razor, but one that is not overly expensive and almost foolproof to use

  3. #3
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    If you put diamond spray or past on your strop, it will always be impregnated with it. Just had to point that out.

    You are asking a question based on what folks like, it's an opinion. Some feel that the edge off a diamond impregnated strop is a bit too much for them, others like it. I do. I have a paddle strop that I keep fresh with .5 micron diamond spray from SRD. It's my way to refresh a blade if it's not quite "right" or where I think one should for me it takes place of a barber stone. Keep in mind that I keep my razors very fresh. If the pasted strop doesn't bring back the keenness that I prefer, then I take the blade to the stones.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    I use CroOx on a balsa bench strop after my 12k and I used it this morning to touch up a razor that was starting to tug alittle. As always I used leather last just before the shave.

  5. #5
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    Lynn once wrote that he had never met a (honed) edge that wasn't improved by a few passes on .5 mic paste (though, IIRC, he was talking about CrOx), so that's a good guide. Couple of caveats: if you are this new to honing, what sort of edge you're bringing to the diamond is a real question; also, most find diamond a bit harsh compared to other media.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I would also agree that chromium oxide does a little bit more for every edge I have, including edges from very fine japanese naturals.

    I use mine on balsa, which to my mind keeps the geometry a little better. A little pressure (a lot isn't necessary) makes it easier to get good results, as long as attention is paid to keeping the razor flat against the surface of a balsa strop.

    I'd rather use chromium oxide than diamonds, i think the edge is more comfortable. It'll be interesting to see how the green stuff compares to 0.1 micron diamond film, but I haven't had the chance to use that film yet. I like the 0.5 Chromium oxide edge better than 0.3 micron al-ox lapping film, I think the edge is finer, perhaps due to the give that the strop has.

  7. #7
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    This is a YMMV sort of thing, but what do you have besides a 12k? My setup is the Norton 220/1000, 4000/8000, 12k Naniwa, and a .5 diamond pasted piece of seatbelt that I use as a hanging strop. If you are new to honing, you may want to try to get the most out of what you have before moving on. That way you will have the best edge possible and you will know when you are at that point. Clear as mud huh?

  8. #8
    Senior Member Proinsias's Avatar
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    From what I gather 0.5 micron is around 30k grit and therefore will certainly further polish a 12k edge to a noticeable degree. I noticed a big difference when I finished on pastes at first but I as get better with the stones the gap reduces.

    Balsa & paste, powder or spray is too cheap and easy not to try in my opinion. I prefer chrome oxide to 0.5 or 0.25 diamond but I've not tried anything finer. Give it a shot.

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