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Thread: The definitive HHT

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  1. #1
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Default The definitive HHT

    I've been carrying out various experiments to establish whether the HHT is a true test. My wife's hair from her hairbrush was not reliable so I've tried some other types - the results are explained in detail below:

    The NHT (nasal hair test) - advantages are that the hair is available regardless of whether you have head hair or not. It is also very firm and gives a consistent result. You can always tell which end has the follicle - there is a little peice of skin attached. A word of warning - if you use this method, wait until your eyes stop watering before you go to the blade - the sting from collecting the sample is as nothing compared to losing the end of your finger.

    My second experiment was with cat whiskers - the CWHT. To harvest the whisker you need to pet the cat until it is purring happily on your lap - then grab a whisker and throw the cat off your lap before he has a chance to dig his claws into your leg. The advantages are that the whisker stands proud unlike a droopy hair and also gives a consistent resuly. The disadvantage is that, afterwards, your cat will arch it's back and hiss at you if you get within 20 yards.

    My third experiment I will refer to as the FPHT - I will not spell this out because there may be some junior members reading this post - suffice it to say that that the F stands for female. I have not yet tried this test but I think the pros and cons are as follows:

    For - the hair is considerably longer than nasal hair.
    Against - my wife thinks I'm already obsessed with 'this honing lark' as she calls it, therefore any attemot to obtain a sample will just raise her suspicions even more.
    For - the cat might make friends again if he smells fish on your fingers.

    I hope this proves useful in the never ending search for the perfect shave.

    Yours fraternally, Rob

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    berko (02-01-2013), brooksie967 (01-26-2013), Gudis (01-28-2013), Kefka (01-16-2013)

  3. #2
    Member Biodoc100's Avatar
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    Ok, the last "for", kind of wrong, haha. I love the CWHT though!
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  4. #3
    Senior Member thuktunflishithy's Avatar
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    Bahaha, I can just picture the conversations you've had trying to get the last one.

    I've never tried the HHT with any of my razors, I just shave with them. I have no head hair anyway, at least none long enough since I shave that too. I can use any of my razors to trim my mustache though so that's a bunch of hanging hairs I guess.

  5. #4
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Look, just shave. If it feels uncomfortable strop again. If it is still uncomfortable, go to pastes or hones. End of. I've long stopped wasting my hairs. It is a parlour trick of days gone by.
    zib, Birnando and RogueRazor like this.

  6. #5
    zib is offline
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    You can buy one of those cheap shave brushes available at Wal Mart and other super stores. You'd have a bunch of test hairs...Granted, they're not as fine as most hairs, but the HHT is flawed anyway. Check out the Dovo vid on youtube. The hair they use to test the razors is some type of synthetic hair. That way, You have consistency. The whole problem with the HHT is the inconsistency in hair, WAY Too many variables....

    I bet you could find old wigs at flea markets or even visit beauty parlors and barber shops. They throw out a bunch of hair everyday. Most places wash the hair before it's cut, so I'd imagine it's not too funky....Just some thoughts...They may think your wierd...?

    P.S. I enjoyed reading your post, very entertaining.
    Last edited by zib; 04-14-2012 at 02:24 AM.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Lately I have been doing the BKT: bee's knees test. Works great.

  8. #7
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    Lmao funny shit

  9. #8
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    Fpht hahahaha that is funny mate

  10. #9
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    My second experiment was with cat whiskers - the CWHT.
    CWHT, huh?

    Go ahead, make my day!
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  11. #10
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Thanks, Rob. Very droll.

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