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Thread: Norwegian slate
05-30-2012, 10:08 AM #31
I've now had the time to do some more tests, I've used the Nowegian Slate on a handfull of different razors of different grinds.
I've used it in several different ways: From Shapton Pro 8K to NS with slurry dilluting to water, from Naniwa 12K to NS on water only, from 12K to NS on light slutty.
I also did a comparison with the LM and two different vintage Thuris, same razor (Gotta full hollow), from SS 12K to NS/LM/Thuri starting with slurry, dilluting to water.
At this point I will say it is usable as a finisher, not on the same level as the Thuris, but very close to the LM.
I'm not a huge believer in guesstimation of grit rating of naturals, but compared to the edges I get from my other stones I would say it's working probably in the 8 - 12K area, I could have have managed with this one as my only finisher, but then who would want that?!?!?