Hey, Sleek.

"I had a great edge from my j-nat as well but it was much much harder to use than the coti." This seems important. Learning my asagi wasn't fast (first natural), but was much faster for me than learning the coti. It says nothing about the stones, and says alot for our own compatibility w/ a particular stone or method. There are guys that just do magic w/ a coti (I'm always jealous). For me its different, but the joy from the shave is what counts. In my efforts to conquer the Coti, I've had 4 rocks. I would probably been better off to have 2 jnats - because of that compatibility thing. If you have a natural feel for that rock - don't question it. Go with it. Maybe try some other veins and definitely spend some time on the coticule site. They're a good bunch. We can go arm in arm to the HAD poorhouse.