Around the middle of April I bought Jimmy's yellow/green Escher in the classifieds. This has been the most satisfying stone I've ever owned. Shapton thru 30k, excellent Coti, Naniwa thru 12k and I love all of them, but this Escher rocks!! I didn't think the Escher could really live up to all the hype it receives, but BOY, was I wrong! And, it's a natural and I guess that adds to my fondness for it. In hind sight though I'm glad I didn't get one early on like i wanted because I think I'd of not used it correctly or had expectations based on unrealistic results and bad honing technique and would have been really frustrated. Anyway, I really like the edge it gives and, well, if you haven't picked up on it yet, I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for letting it go Jimmy!!!

