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  1. #11
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    Thanks everyone! some great info here! I only wish my coti was a combo stone, id really like to check out a bbw, perhaps instead of a 4k...

    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    I tell ya what, Out of all the Coticules you could pick, You picked a good vein. I like the La Dressante ve in.I think it's my favorite next to La petite blance. I'd love to see pics of the stone itself. The only thing I worry about is the standard grade stones. Some of them are in really rough shape, too many cracks and veins for my liking. They are absolutey as good as Selected, but you need to pick a good one. I've seen bouts/stones break very easily. You have to be careful, and take that into consideration when you buy.
    Thanks man, I did a lot of research into the veins before I pulled the trigger on the coti. I was looking for a la petite blanche, a les lat, a novella, or a (hard) la dressante. I'd still love to give a la petite blanche or a les lat a try. Those were the two that piqued my interest most I believe (dont know what it was, perhaps just the appearance of the surface of these stones. I love the silk smooth, tan look of a la petite blanch, perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing coticule.)

    The La dressante I bought is the second one from the right in this picture below.
    Name:  imgp2074.jpg
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    As you can see its Select grade, with a great surface texture. There is one black line on the left of the stone but its about the size of Lincoln's neck in that penny to the right so I figured it shouldnt matter too much. I have seen far worse surfaces hone fine. I am expecting to get it in the mail today so I will throw some of my own photos up if I get a chance.

    As far as me being a natural, I hope so, but Im not expecting to just take to it running. I imagine I'll have to put in my due time as well, but Im willing give it what Ive got. Ive been honing forever, and I figure If I can take a .25" thick D2 chopper blade and put a smooth shaving edge on it using a 1k and a loaded strop, I should be able to get a razor less than a third that width to shave using much finer stones... Im sure its a different animal, but the essence of honing doesnt change from a knife to a lathe tool, I figure a razor should relate as well... perhaps thats just my knife guy confidence though...
    Last edited by DCDesigns; 05-15-2012 at 03:40 PM.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanjewell View Post
    patience is a pretty important quality to have in wetshaving...

    this might be some good reading: Straight Razor Place - Beginners Tips: March 2012
    Oh believe me Im patient when I need to be. Ill spend several hours perfecting the edge of one knife. I find it therapeutic. Eager and impatient are two very different things.

    The reason I am going ahead with the honing is that that concept of straight razor owning is almost more exciting to me than the shaving itself. I simply love to make things sharp by rubbing them on other things. In fact I might just stick to the DE and shavette until I am happy with honing well enough to shave with my own edge.

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