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Thread: Slurry stone - which to get?

  1. #1
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    Default Slurry stone - which to get?

    Hey guys-

    I just purchased a King 1k stone to start learning to hone a bit (found a nice little Torrey at an antique shop that I'd like to fix up).

    I'm just not sure about a slurry stone though - do I need one? If so, what should I look for in the stone (grit, size, etc). I'm still super new to straights, so any help would be much appreciated! Thanks all!


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  3. #2
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    Coticule=slurry stone
    Jnat=Jnat slurry stone
    Any other stone=water,oil or cream

  4. #3
    Chat room is open Piet's Avatar
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    toadq5, you don't need a slurry stone for a 1k, you will need finer hones to get a razor shaveready. My chosera 1k did come with a small 600grit? stone but I assume that's for cleaning the surface. A lot of people have bought a coarse DMT (325) for lapping their synthetics and you could use it to make a slurry as well if you want to. I use slurry on my Chosera 1k if it's going too slow, others use pressure to speed up the bevel setting process.

    smalltank, there are more stones that were traditionally used with slurry stones besides Coticules and Jnats but you can use a slurry stone for pretty much any whetstone you like. The only stones I can think of I wouldn't use with slurry stones are Arkansas Stones.
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    Awesome, thanks Piet! Yea, I already have a Norton 4k/8k, just waiting on my King 1k to come in before I attempt to get the Torrey into shape. I'm going to get comfortable with the stones without slurry first, then probably purchase a DMT 325 sometime in the future (when I save some more money ).

    Thanks again for the advice, appreciate it!!

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Fast cheap and effective.. A small Arkansas stone can be found at most every Flea market or Antique shop for less then $1, clean it up smooth it up and you a great tool for just about any stone to produce slurry, since the Arkie is harder then most every waterstone out there... They also smooth up a stone nicely after lapping...

    Personally I use my well worn DMT 325 to produce slurry and to keep my stone flat and clean...
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  7. #6
    "We are the knights who say, "nee!" Yochatman's Avatar
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    I need to invest in one of those DMT 325s, I hear a lot about them. I used my soft Ark to lap some chips out of a Swaty I got on the bay! And yes, I get a fantastic slurry on my waterstones using the soft Ark.

  8. #7
    Senior Member 111Nathaniel's Avatar
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    I'm not recommending anything in particular, just saying that I use my Coticule slurry stone on my king 1000 and get good results. It's a harder green colour slurry stone so it smooths the stone and raises a good slurry. I also find my edge off the 1000 is better when i use coticule slurry, but thats probably due to something different in technique while using the slurry.

  9. #8
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    A DMT 325 credit card size works well for slurry and clean up the stone before using, and is very cheap!

  10. #9
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with starting it on 4k. if that doesn't work then you can try the 1k when it arrives.

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  11. #10
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toadq5 View Post
    I'm just not sure about a slurry stone though - do I need one?
    I'd say no, you don't need a slurry stone for a King 1k but you do need something to keep the stone flat. If your choice for that is a diamond plate then you also automatically have a means of making slurry as well.

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