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Thread: New to honing, what should i start with?

  1. #1
    Member jgrunst's Avatar
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    Default New to honing, what should i start with?

    Hello all.

    Just got a bonus at work, so naturally i am going to blow it all on straight razor shaving supplies

    I wanted to get into honing, mainly because i admire the skill, which is one of the reasons i like shaving with a straight in the first place. I am looking at the norton waterstone 3 piece set looks enticing, as it is fairly affordable, and my bonus can only go so far, ha. There also is a Naniwa superstone value set (5000, 8000, 12000) that looks reasonably priced as well. Any other suggestions for a newbie to honing?

    I also have a swaty barber hone that i have used to touchups, and some chrom oxide and iron oxide on balsa wood that seems to keep my edge sharp as well, and your basic leather strop ofcourse.

    thanks everyone, i continue to get awesome advice and tips from this site, makes my shaving much more enjoyable.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Well jg,
    Spend a little time in the "Library" section, honing area and use the "Advanced" search feature above , entering key words. A lot is discussed on beginner set up.

    That Naniwa set you mentioned is great, maybe add a Norton 220/1000. Then you are set for life. (until H.A.D. sets in)

  3. #3
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    If you go for the Naniwa set of 3, and they are great stones, and if that bonus can handle it, I'd add the Chosera 1k to the Naniwa's. It's fast, but also gives a remarkably smooth edge for a 1k and will require less work on the 5k removing the scratch pattern from the 1k. Good Luck!!


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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I just got into honing after doing a lot of reading and getting confused by all the different opinions out there. After I filtered it all I came away thinking that all I would need to maintain my SRs was a combo stone and a Balsa strop with Crox. I went with a Naniwa 3000/8000 combo and I guess the Norton 4000/8000 would have done it too. So far I have refreshed the edges on 4 razors that I had picked up with that set up and they all came out well enough to shave with. Definitely not the greatest edges in the world but they shave and cause no discomfort. I will add a courser and finer stone later but I am beginning to believe what others on this site have said a bout being able to do a lot with just the one combo stone setup. Anyway that's what another beginner just did if that helps you out any.


  5. #5
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    personally...DMT1200 diamond plate..easier bevel setting...then a coticule..very versatile stone..assuming its a hard could try Norton stones..I didnt like em..though you might..YMMV

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Before you buy all sorts of stuff ask yourself: what am I gonna do with those hones? If you have a shave ready razor that needs touch-ups a coticule, Swaty or 12K will do. For bevel setting you will need more and coarser hones.

  7. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here is a good thread to read it might help some

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    Here is a good thread to read it might help some
    There is no better advice. Glen can hone the tip of his tongue sharp enough to trim his eyebrows.
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    It just keeps getting better

  9. #9
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    I have gone through a few hones and have found that A King 1000 grit (for bevel setting), a 4000 Shapton, and 8000 Shapton, with a finishing Coticle stone works the best (and fastest) for me... But hones are like razors, everyone has a favorite technique and brand that they use.

  10. #10
    Member jgrunst's Avatar
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    boy, this is confusing, hah. thanks for all the replies, i have a feeling i could spend a boat load of money on hones! Shapton's are a little out of my price range i think. While I do like to buy quality things, i have my budfet and the wrath of my wife to consider. I am considering the following "sets"

    1) Naniwa 5000/8000/12000 set and Naniwa 1000, DMT 325 for flattening stones (SRD price 253.97)
    2) Naniwa 1000, Naniwa 3000/8000 combo stone, Naniwa 12000 (SRD price 241.96)
    3) Norton 3 piece set (220/1000, 4000/8000), Naniwa 12000 (SRD 206.98)

    With the norton 3piece set it is lacking the high grit finishing stone and with the Naniwa set, it is lacking a lower bevel setter, so either set needs an addition to make it complete.

    If i Went with option 3 ill the Norton Lapping stone be sufficient for lapping the high grit Naniwa 12000?

    Thanks for the help. Which of those three options sounds the best?


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