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Thread: Coticule vs. Slate vs. Thuringian stone

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by regularjoe View Post
    I just wanted to point out that the title of this thread is completely and utterly wrong for the topic of the thread...and for some reason I keep forgetting and coming back. I suspect it's a very clever man who titles his thread thusly, in order to ask common questions about random subjects to do with shaving and honing. I bow to your skill sir.
    How is the topic wrong? I wanted people's opinions on various types of hones that I've seen for sale. No need to be rude.

  2. #22
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    How is the topic wrong? I wanted people's opinions on various types of hones that I've seen for sale. No need to be rude.
    I do not believe he was being rude, it looks like he is smiling while he writes, see the those denote emotion that can be lacking in this form of communication, many times things can be taken two ways people will try and give a hint using the Emoticons...
    Sarcasm and Quick Quips can really be taken wrong on forums, so many of us try and use the emoticons to portray something that is easily done face to face with a grin or a simple lifting of an eyebrow
    Last edited by gssixgun; 08-21-2012 at 07:49 PM.
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  3. #23
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Yeah it was a joke. It's been my experience in such misunderstandings, that brevity is my friend. Good day.

  4. #24
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    Oh geeze. No real offense was taken!! No worries at all! I might have sounded short due to my frustration trying to learn about hones. Trying to find one at a reasonable, less than new or rare antique, price that is of exceptional quality is proving to be a nuisance.

  5. #25
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    I've noticed that on the days when I can't seem to get a comfortable shaving edge off my coticule, my j-nat or thuringian picks up the slack from my inadequate honing, and improves a less-than-shave-ready edge off a lesser grit....

    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Yes. This.

    A polished turd is still a turd. One must learn the basics first. I'm not talking about creating a foundation (setting a bevel) but that is a great skill to have also.

    A norton 8k can serve a wide range of functions depending on how the stone is prepped.

  6. #26
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffieldlover View Post
    I've noticed that on the days when I can't seem to get a comfortable shaving edge off my coticule, my j-nat or thuringian picks up the slack from my inadequate honing, and improves a less-than-shave-ready edge off a lesser grit....
    It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense that polishing a non-shave-ready edge on a high grit finisher with inadequate honing skills would magically make it work...I suspect your honing skills are more adequate than you think. That or you have mythical stones forged in the fires of Mordor.

    To the OP, a norton 4k/8k is a great place to start.

  7. #27
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Well in that case, I also suggest the Norton 4/8k synthetic water stone. It is, IMO, the single best hone for the money that a person could have. Rare or ultra fine hones, aren't really necessary. Most of my razors are great shavers at 8k. I'm not sure if your location makes the Norton easy to get.
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  8. The Following User Says Thank You to regularjoe For This Useful Post:

    brooksie967 (08-22-2012)

  9. #28
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    I was thinking you should have also
    put arkansas stone in the post.
    First time i got a old razor and sharpen it
    and shave with it.
    i Ended with a really fine peice of clear arkansas stone.
    one that is finer then my other ones.

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