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Thread: Why do es everyone perfer the Chosera 1k above the Super stone

  1. #1
    Senior Member stingray's Avatar
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    Default Why do es everyone perfer the Chosera 1k above the Super stone

    I just got a SS 1k and haven't flattened it yet so just wondering what everyone has against the SS. It is $32 as opposed to 86.

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do es everyone perfer the Chosera 1k above the Super stone

    The SS 1k is a perfectly good stone.
    Some guys prefer the Chosera because it is a little harder and a little faster than the SS.
    For most honers, that difference isn't a big deal... The Chosera became popular among the guys that hone in high volumes, and then the popularity caught on. (We're all hone nuts - it's contagious!)
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Just speaking from my own personal experience ..... I liked the naniwa 1k SS well enough. I had the Shapton pro 1k and 2k. I liked them well enough too and all of those better than the norton 1k. Lynn and Dylan really praised the chosera and I got curious enough to go for it.

    I sold my naniwa ss and my shapton pros. Gave away my norton 1k to a new guy. The chosera was just so much more to my liking. Notice I said to my liking ...... I didn't say "better."

    Now it is better for me, but might be different for someone else. All I can say is that for the feel of the blade on the rock, the speed with which it cuts and it seems to me that it doesn't do more to the bevel than it needs to.

    For example the shapton pro 1k felt so rough that I always brought the blade to the 2 to smooth it out before going on up the grit ladder. I didn't feel the need to do that with the super stone and I don't with the chosera. It cuts fast and if you want more cutting power the rubbing stone that comes with it will be like feeding it steroids.

    Nothing 'wrong' with the super stone and since you already have it ..... enjoy it. It is a great stone too.
    JBHoren and ScottGoodman like this.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    Ive tried seting bevels with the 1K Naniwa the only 1K I owned at the time & it never worked for me. Lap after lap with no results. Id step down to the lower grit Naniwa just to get some movement on the bevel. The Chosera was like night & day for me.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member stingray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Just speaking from my own personal experience ..... I liked the naniwa 1k SS well enough. I had the Shapton pro 1k and 2k. I liked them well enough too and all of those better than the norton 1k. Lynn and Dylan really praised the chosera and I got curious enough to go for it.

    I sold my naniwa ss and my shapton pros. Gave away my norton 1k to a new guy. The chosera was just so much more to my liking. Notice I said to my liking ...... I didn't say "better."

    Now it is better for me, but might be different for someone else. All I can say is that for the feel of the blade on the rock, the speed with which it cuts and it seems to me that it doesn't do more to the bevel than it needs to.

    For example the shapton pro 1k felt so rough that I always brought the blade to the 2 to smooth it out before going on up the grit ladder. I didn't feel the need to do that with the super stone and I don't with the chosera. It cuts fast and if you want more cutting power the rubbing stone that comes with it will be like feeding it steroids.

    Nothing 'wrong' with the super stone and since you already have it ..... enjoy it. It is a great stone too.
    I forgot to mention that I had both. Big green started to crack and I decided I wanted the SS also. Thanks for your comments.

  9. #6
    Senior Member strawinski's Avatar
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    i have a combi 1/3 Naniwa SS.....what to say......3 years and 200 razors...the 1 is all....nothing....I now have a Chosera 1000. it is the best stone for the phase...better than other.

  10. #7
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    For me the chosera has best feeling.
    I have had (and still have some of them) the 1k SS , 1k GS, 1k King, 1k Pro, 1k Norton, 1k Sigma Power Soft and Hard, and JNS 1k, the chosera stands out for feed back and speed combination. A close one is the JNS 1k but it is a soaker and that will not appeal to everyone.
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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  12. #8
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I never read a thread where anybody acted like the SS was not as good as a Chosera. I guess it may be implied because you see more people saying the Chosera is the best of all. But liking one thing, and disliking another thing, are two seperate entities. I like apple pie, it doesn't necessarily mean I have anything againt cherry pie.
    gssixgun and Chevhead like this.

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  14. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regularjoe View Post
    I never read a thread where anybody acted like the SS was not as good as a Chosera. I guess it may be implied because you see more people saying the Chosera is the best of all. But liking one thing, and disliking another thing, are two seperate entities. I like apple pie, it doesn't necessarily mean I have anything againt cherry pie.

    Very well put

  15. #10
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I have used both the Naniwa SS 1K and the Chosera 1K on thousands of razors and really can't tell much difference in the results when setting the bevel. Because I use the most pressure when setting bevels, it is purely a personal preference to go with the Chosera.

    Have fun.
    zugbug likes this.

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