So a couple weeks back I had my 1000 grit water stone at work to put an edge on my wood chisel. Of coarse I left it back by the grinder over night. The next day I show up for work, go back to grab my hone and a coworker had used it with 3 in 1 oil. Not just a bit, a ton! Naturally, smoke starts shooting from my ears!!

Now, I wouldn't call myself a hone expert, but I'm pretty sure the box didn't say water and oil hone. It just said WATER!!!! Another reason I'm so ticked is this was my grandfather's stone I got from him when he passed away when I was 16. I've had this stone for 17 years and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. It seems as though the oil is gone now but, it doesn't cut like it use to. It takes wayyyy to long for anything to happen.

What should I do fellas?