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Thread: Slurry! Yes or No ?

  1. #1
    Member Welshcitydragon's Avatar
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    Default Slurry! Yes or No ?

    Just asking , With a 12,000 finishing Stone do I need to make slurry to put the last & Final edge to the blade ? Its the first time I use this so help please? or yes Im using a Welsh hone stone with WD 40

  2. #2
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    Oil with slurry doesn't go well. Or I think so. Haven't tried it. Haven't hear it, looses its purpose. With water, well, yes. For one stone honing, check the one stone honing videos. Slurry drops (a little) the grit a stone cuts and increases its speed considerably. There are few Welsh stones over 10k, don't take as granted the estimated grit from the sellers.

  3. #3
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default SLURRY ! YES OR NO ?

    I'm new to honing, but for the final finish I never use slurry. I may use a slurry on the finish hone, but never for the finish strokes. I feel that the finest polish comes from a wetted stone that is clean.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    yea slurry makes the stone more aggressive and works faster. For a final finish I wouldn't use slurry. It also makes a difference on the type of hone. I never use any slurry on synthetics only naturals.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    Yes, you are right, I thought the question was about the use of slurry on honing generally. For final finishing, no, you don't need it. Clear water or even better the thin oil you use. But you should use all three methods at least once on different shaves and choose what works best for you, and to know better your stone and razor. As long as it's not uncomfortable.
    regularjoe likes this.

  6. #6
    Member Welshcitydragon's Avatar
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    Ok I think some of you read it wrong, I know you Slurry on the first stages of honing, But if you see what i wrote I was asking about the last, which would be on a 12,000 or higher stone. I didnt think you use slurry on the last stone 12,000 ,but I wanted to be 100% sure.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Proinsias's Avatar
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    I think the confusion may be due to '12,000 grit or higher stone'. Grit ratings are for synthetic stones and whilst I don't own any high grit synthetics most don't seem to use slurry on them.

    I do have one of the Welsh slates which was sold as being around 12,000 grit. I use slurry & water on this and dilute down to water for the finish. I have used it with oil, not wd40, I don't use oil & slurry.

  8. #8
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welshcitydragon View Post
    Ok I think some of you read it wrong, I know you Slurry on the first stages of honing, But if you see what i wrote I was asking about the last, which would be on a 12,000 or higher stone. I didnt think you use slurry on the last stone 12,000 ,but I wanted to be 100% sure.
    On all finishers I use I start with slurry and dilute to water, so slurry yes and no at the same time.

  9. #9
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default Slurry! Yes or No ?

    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    On all finishers I use I start with slurry and dilute to water, so slurry yes and no at the same time.
    This is basically what I said +1

  10. #10
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    After some passes on the Norton 8k, I use the Chinese natural stone for finishing.
    The first 20 passes are with slur made from the blue part of the Belgian.
    Then 25 passes with slur made from the yellow part of the Belgian.
    Then 25 passes with slur made with the small piece of the Chinese stone which usually comes together with the Chinese when you buy it.
    And finally, the last 30 passes on the Chinese stone without any slur, just water.

    It works fine for me.

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