I have tried few of each (Washita incl. Lilly White, CF and Old Turkey. At present I have not much time for razors as most of it is spent with other sharp tools mainly woodworking.
In my opinion Washita on razors is at max as prefinisher but is fast. Old Turkey is capable of doing most of the rough work as well as to finish razor and is fast ish depending on example. CF is realy just finisher slow but very fine.
For woodworking tools CF is for very fine woodworking tools only otherwise it not very effective for their work.
Old Turkey I realy like but to get one which is big enough and not too much damaged is challenge.
Washita is relatively fast (of naturals), hard wearing with narrow tools most usefull for general woodworking tools. I would say that I can understand why it is number one for woodworkers as thir steel is not as hard (usually) as razors and also the edge has more meat to support itself unlike razors. There are known naturals which will destroy edge of razors with lesser quality steel.