Ok this new hobby of mine is more becoming a hassle.. The straight razor I bought a couple weeks ago can't give me a close shave at all. My Mach 3 is out performing it bar none.. SO I am figuring that the blade might not be sharp enough.. I bought it at a local mall ended up spending over $500 for a Dovo razor and silver tip brush and the whole 9..

Well anyways - I bought a Norton 4/8k online and should be here today, but now I am reading I have to BUY ANOTHER thing to lap it? wtf? really?

I also saw some people that said I can just use sand paper, if that is the case.. what kind of sand paper should I buy as far as grit?

sorry for the rant, but this is becoming more of a hassle then enjoyable in which I was really looking forward to.

PS. Please fix your library section.