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Thread: Quick daft question

  1. #21
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    First: Tell the wife to know her role and make a big mess followed by ordering her to clean it up for you. jk.

    GOod luck.
    And then tell her that it is your couch and you'll sleep on it if you want to........
    BobH and brooksie967 like this.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  2. #22
    Senior Member Kaden101's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply. I actually went out to my local auto store & picked up some 180, 400, 600, & 1000 grit wet & dry. The 180 is doing a wonderful job of flattening it down so far (in the middle of it right now). Both the white & yellow sides do have 2 low corners, but we're only talking half a millimeter gap when you put them on a flat surface so removing that won't take too much hone away, it's just annoys my OCD(s). That bathroom tile I mentioned was still there, perfectly flat & plenty big enough for the sandpaper so I'll class myself as lucky on that one.

    I'll consider the Kings when I get round to needing that, but I think my next stone will be a finisher though. The razor is pretty new so I doubt bevel setting is an issue. My crappy stropping when I first started might not have helped the edge any though.

    Cheers for the advice, it's nice to know I have a little leeway with the Norton, I was trying for perfect...silly me.

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