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Thread: How difficult is it to hone a Wedge Razor compared to Hollow Ground?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default How difficult is it to hone a Wedge Razor compared to Hollow Ground?

    Is it similar to hollow ground honing or not for beginners? Wouldn't ask, but I might win a reasonably priced 13/16 Wade and Butcher blade-Gearhead222

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Too many variables to give an easy , precise answer,,ie condition of blade & of course, your honing skills.
    If you get it, just study the information that is available on this site & give it a go.

    Just remember, when honing becomes difficult & frustrating, then you're already lost. Stop, relax, study some more & approach it at a later time with renewed enthusiasm.
    regularjoe and desol like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    The bevel has lots more metal than a hollow ground, it will take lots more time to set the bevel, once you have a real sharp hair popping bevel set with a low grit stone the rest of the progression will be similar to any other razor. Also several layers of tape on a wedge can really be your friend, it will reduce the width of the bevel and can really help on a problem wedge
    regularjoe likes this.

  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Just for clarification..

    A New wedge hones just as easy as a new Hollow grind..

    The added difficulty in honing comes from the opposite end of the razor ie: The spine

    The thought that the older heavy wedges are hard to hone is because they tend to have a ton of spine wear and the geometry needs to be corrected...

    Ask yourself why that is ????? I haven't figured it out, I have theories but no proof
    Lynn and moehal like this.

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  6. #5
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    Thanx for the quick replies, guys. Think that I will back off of this one.
    Agreed about when honing becomes difficult-the same Mantra applies to stone lapping!-Gearhead222

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