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Thread: how often to hone?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
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    Yes def dove in head first. I've always been curious about the straight shave.. I started at 13 shaving my peachfuz with my dads double edge safty razor. I couldn't get a comfortable shave with it and the constant opening to remove cut whiskers that clogged the razor drove me to multiblade razors. About 2 months ago I seen even buying new razors (it was cheaper then replacement blades) had just become to expensive. So on the way home I grabbed several dif grits of sandpaper and started my research and restoration. I restored my great great g-pas ontario cutlery. As I did that I reasearched the "how to's" of shaving. Once finished (oppsite of the purpose of a straightshave) I took off in full sprint lol. I learn new things with every shave and video. My wife even said she's second fiddle to my razor. Not the response I wanted but hey lol.Name:  2013-01-26 10.01.11.jpg
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Size:  59.7 KB. That's it finished

  2. #12
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    I shave with coticule edges and try to touch up every 5-10 shaves with 30 X-strokes on water. It works wonderfully for me. After every honing at least 60 strokes on canvas, 60 on leather.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    How often you hone can depend quite a bit on how well you can strop. Also on the type of strop and how well it is broken in and finished.

    I've been shaving daily with one razor that was last honed (just a touch-up on a "Little Devil" barber hone) March (2012). I've been stropping on a IRS #361 cowhide strop and a vintage linen hose strop, neither of which have had any application of pastes or abrasives.

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