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Thread: Norton 4000 x 8000

  1. #1
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    Default Norton 4000 x 8000

    Apologies if theirs already a thread on this. Too many pages to scroll through

    Hello, just purchased a Norton 4000 x 8000 in hopes of keeping my razor in tip top shape. Was curious if I could shave off the 8k. Looking for buttery passes if u get my drift.

    Read lots of mixed reviews about this, seems most say you can and its even considered a finisher but I wanted to get as much feedback as possible for peace of mind.

    Didnt feel it necessary to spend another 80$ on a finishing hone if i could do it all off the norton with maybe some extra stroppingÉ. I could use the practice so theirs a bonus.

    Thanks and happy shaving
    Last edited by LikesBBS; 03-09-2013 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sunbird's Avatar
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    Hi LikesBBS,

    Check out the following postings.

    You will find a fabulous wealth of Norton 4K / 8K honing advice here.


  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I don't take a razor to a higher grit finisher until I get a DFS at the norton 8k level. There were, and probably still are, members who leave it at that (8k) and say they are very happy with their shaves. As a friend of mine used to say,'it ain't the arrow, it's the Indian.' So if you have the skill the 4/8 will deliver the goods IME.
    Lynn, vicmaldo and Chevhead like this.

  4. #4
    PLJ is offline
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    I used the 4k 8k norton for the last year to touch up my straights and it's been totally fine. How ever I did order the laptop boards one loaded with Chromium past and one with the diamond slurry from star shaving for the in between touch ups and they have given it that extra touch. Both boards go for 13 bucks apiece. But yes the 8k norton has worked well for me I would normally do 20 laps followed by 30/100 strop

  5. #5
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    Thanks everyone, I now feel confident in my investment.

    Happy shaving

  6. #6
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Agree with all that 8k has to be good first but depends on how you define "buttery". An $80 finisher would be an easy choice for me. It's the $800 Jnats you might not be able to justify.
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  7. #7
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    I have seen a few "honers" on other sites saying they would never shave off the 8000 side of the norton. Imo they aren't getting thr best results and are missing the point. I have learned my norton, shaved off it for a month and get great shaves from it...not harsh and no burn.

    Ive heard someone say they are, " an edge snob." and that's why they wouldnt shave off the 8k. Honestly I doubt their results are from being an edge snob but from not learning from the hone before finishing.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    I too have shaved off my Norton 8k & had no issues...

  9. #9
    Senior Member ccase39's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LikesBBS View Post
    Apologies if theirs already a thread on this. Too many pages to scroll through

    Hello, just purchased a Norton 4000 x 8000 in hopes of keeping my razor in tip top shape. Was curious if I could shave off the 8k. Looking for buttery passes if u get my drift.

    Read lots of mixed reviews about this, seems most say you can and its even considered a finisher but I wanted to get as much feedback as possible for peace of mind.

    Didnt feel it necessary to spend another 80$ on a finishing hone if i could do it all off the norton with maybe some extra stroppingÉ. I could use the practice so theirs a bonus.

    Thanks and happy shaving
    Yep. The 4k/8k is the only stone you really need. You can use it exclusively for the rest of your life. I wouldn't even get a higher grit stone until you can start consistently getting a great shave from the 8k. You may want to get some Chromium Oxide or diamond spray for a finishing touch but even thats not necessary. Another great thing about those stones is that there are more videos on that stone than any other one out there so there is tons of learning material.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Kaden101's Avatar
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    Another one here shaving off the 8K side of a Norton, no issues other than my own lack of shaving talent & penchant for bleeding.

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