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Thread: Question for Shapton 30K users

  1. #11
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I wouldn't spend my money on it. But, it's not my money we're talking about.
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  3. #12
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    16 edge should get very nicley refined by diamond spray or CrO on felt.
    But if you really want to go higher on a synthetic stone, consider Suehiro Gokumyo it gives great edge, IMO much better than 30k GS, and very much on par with Shapton Pro 30k which is a lot more expensive.
    Birnando and Vasilis like this.

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  5. #13
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I would suggest a natural stone after the 16k Shapton rather than another synthetic.

    I find synthetic stones leave a slightly harsher edge than naturals (which is fine if that's what you prefer) but for me that true velvet squeegee effect is best achieved with a natural finisher, no paste and then stropping.

    For much less than the price of the 30k you could get a Thuringian or such like

    JMHO of course.
    ScottGoodman, MODINE and jc50 like this.

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  7. #14
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Before you "pull the trigger", contact me via PM, we will swap phone numbers and I can really talk you about it. Since you have the GS's up to 16K, there really is no "need" for anything else, period. You may feel the 30K is necessary...I reply with a quote from one of my favorite movies: What is "necessary"? The Last Samurai

    For the facts: Few, I repeat: FEW razors can truly handle the 30K. It takes a hard steeled razor to be able to handle the 3-5 strokes on the 30K. They will leave one wicked sharp, but you have to really like an edge like that...
    regularjoe and jc50 like this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  9. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    For the facts: Few, I repeat: FEW razors can truly handle the 30K. It takes a hard steeled razor to be able to handle the 3-5 strokes on the 30K. They will leave one wicked sharp, but you have to really like an edge like that...

    Double that: I agree, I have stuck with the 3-2-1 or 3-2-2 finish on the 30k but I use it on very few razors.. Myself I LOVE the extreme hollow grind NY razors and they are the ones that IMHO really react the best to the Shapton 30k..

    If you are a fan or the American and some of the really fine Solingen steels then perhaps the 30k is for you, but honestly that is the only time it comes out to play in my house..

    Take all that with a grain of salt, because it is all just personal opinion,

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  11. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I had HAD for a time and amongst the hones I picked up was a 30k Shapton pro. I got it from a member in Japan new in the box and cheaper than a 30k glass. Now I mentioned that it was when I had hone acquisition disorder as a warning.

    I hardly used it at all because I had too many of the various hones to really get to know any of them well. The few times I did use it the results seemed to be real good, but one reason I didn't use it much was that I was happy with the edge off a 15k shapton pro or a naniwa 12k superstone. I do remember one ATS-34 blade that I got to a level of sharpness of a Feather DE with final finishing on the 30k. Got the nick to prove it.

    All I'm getting at is more stones can give that 'fix' that some of us with ADs are looking for, but if they are just taking up drawer space getting to know the ones we have and maximizing their potential is a better bet. Once that is achieved going after higher grit finishers , whether natural or synthetic is appropriate ..... IMHO.

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  13. #17
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    ... All I'm getting at is more stones can give that 'fix' that some of us with ADs are looking for, but if they are just taking up drawer space getting to know the ones we have and maximizing their potential is a better bet. Once that is achieved going after higher grit finishers , whether natural or synthetic is appropriate ..... IMHO.
    This is exactly what I've been doing for a while. My 30k GS sits in a drawer gathering dust with my other finishers, while I've been getting everything I can out of honing with nothing but a Belgian blue for the last several months. Funny thing is, I couldn't tell you how my technique has improved to save my life, but the edges I can coax out of that blue get better and better!
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  14. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    All I'm getting at is more stones can give that 'fix' that some of us with ADs are looking for, but if they are just taking up drawer space getting to know the ones we have and maximizing their potential is a better bet. Once that is achieved going after higher grit finishers , whether natural or synthetic is appropriate ..... IMHO.
    Consider me officially talked out of the 30K GS.. - and I couldn't agree more with you about getting the most out of what you already have.

    I own and have solely used the following hones for the last 6 months or so: a Norton 220/1K combo (use the 1K for bevel setting), a Norton 4/8K combo, the Shapton 16K GS, and a DMT325 for lapping and repairs. I waited till I had 10 months in shaving exclusively with a straight before I even purchased hones, and have been honing for around 6 months. After reading and watching all the videos from the JANorton thread, I began killing edges on my current rotation (8 straights) and honing solely on the 4/8k until I could comfortably shave solely off of the 8k and reliably repeat those edges (Thanks especially to Lynn and gssixgun for your videos).

    I love the edges off the 16k, but like someone said above, feel they are a little harsh coming straight off the stone and prefer(but don't need) a few strokes on chrome-ox to mellow/smooth them out. I was curious to see what experienced honers opinions of the 30K GS stone were and have my answer now. I definitely don't NEED another stone but, I'm completely blaming the start of my HAD on another unnamed member....

    I WOULD have been completely content (yeah right) with what I have, but a couple months ago I bought a razor off another member that he honed on a JNAT and experienced that squeegee smooth edge straight from a stone with no pastes. Definitely in the market for a different finisher and am leaning towards a natural stone now.....Now to choose.. definitely going to need to do quite a bit more research.

    Again, thanks for all the advice and responses gentlemen. Much appreciated.


  15. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    All I've got now is a chosera 1k for bevel setting, love it, a norton single grit 4k and 8k and assorted coticules and eschers. I mostly finish on an escher yellow/green. Once in awhile a coticule for the sake of variety. Truth be told, I could get along just fine with my 1k, 4&8k and never go to anything else. The finisher is just icing on the cake but it is pleasurable icing.
    ScottGoodman and jc50 like this.

  16. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    All I've got now is a chosera 1k for bevel setting, love it, a norton single grit 4k and 8k and assorted coticules and eschers.
    I guess you'll have to change your screen name to JimmyoverHAD

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