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Thread: Gentlemen...Thoughts?

  1. #11
    Member dunbarw's Avatar
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    I'm new to honing, about 8 months of trying to learn. I wouldn't think of learning on anything but the Norton 4k / 8k. I also recommend the Chosera 1k for setting the bevel. I got a lot better results when I used the Chosera 1k for setting the bevel. I'm in no way an expert but I can tell you for me that 90% of honing is setting the bevel correctly. If the bevel isn't good then I don't care what kind of stone you have or what high grit stone you have you won't like the results. In my opinion the sharpness comes from the bevel and the smoothness comes from all of the high grit stones everyone is talking about. Don't get me wrong, guys like Lynn could probably use a brick from start to finish and get great results. The rest of us are human (lol).

  2. #12
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Chosera 1K for bevel setting, Naniwa (3/8K), Norton (4/8K), or Shapton(4/8K). Get to where you can shave off 8k comfortably, then add a finisher. Sure, you can get cheaper...but you can't get much better. I've learned all three & prefer the later...but it's all personal preference.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Chosera 1k, Norton 4/8 DMT 325...

    Once you have that and can use it effectively, then you can go any direction you want to.

    The Norton 4/8 can be substituted with a Naniwa 3/8 or Shapton 4/8

    You can substitute in just about any 1k for the Chosera, but it really is that much better

    Basically +1 to what Jimmy said in the first post
    I do own the Welsh Slates and they are a great set for the money, but they are two Finishers and a (questionable) Medium grit.. They are a fun set to own latter down the road, I would never recommend them as a basic honing setup...

    Scott and I were typing at the same time
    cudarunner likes this.

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    cudarunner (03-19-2013)

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