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Thread: Greywacke barber hone? anyone experienced it?

  1. #1
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    Default Greywacke barber hone? anyone experienced it?

    Hi guys, sorry for posting yet another thread, I came across some threads mentioning a greywacke barber hone and I've noticed one at strop shop uk. I know grit isn't everything but I was hoping someone could tell me how this stone performs and where it would fit on the grit scale ie. is it more than 8k 10 k less than 12k etc. I'm just curious about it
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  2. #2
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Well Neil Miller is the Proprietor of that mention shop and he is a member here as well shoot him a pm and im sure he will answer any question that you have about that barbers hone.

    Interestingly, i came across a description of greywacke in Lectures of Geology 1825, talks about greywacke found in the Catskills mountains wich is in New York State not to far from where i reside.

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    Last edited by Martin103; 04-14-2013 at 12:35 PM.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Martin103 For This Useful Post:

    roughkype (04-14-2013), saitou (04-15-2013)

  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saitou View Post
    Hi guys, sorry for posting yet another thread, I came across some threads mentioning a greywacke barber hone and I've noticed one at strop shop uk. I know grit isn't everything but I was hoping someone could tell me how this stone performs and where it would fit on the grit scale ie. is it more than 8k 10 k less than 12k etc. I'm just curious about it
    Greywacke is a common rock and I can't see it as a honing medium. I suspect the barber hone stuff is just a name and has nothing to do with the 'real" stuff. Of course I could be very wrong.
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  5. #4
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Hi Saitou

    I have a Greywracke barber hone, very similar to Neil's at Strop-shop. I haven't tested it in depth but I can confirm mine is a finishing/touch-up hone. It is a rather narrow hone and it is very hard. I don't care so much for a K-rating with naturals because I don't have the corresponding grits to compare them to, my finest artifical now being 4K. I now rank them by coarse, medium, fine and very fine. I say this was fine. I'd also say a 'coticule' is fine and I get a smoother (and better) shave off a coticule than from the Greywracke.

    Hope this helps,


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  7. #5
    Preserver of old grinding methods hatzicho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    Hi Saitou

    I have a Greywracke barber hone, very similar to Neil's at Strop-shop. I haven't tested it in depth but I can confirm mine is a finishing/touch-up hone. It is a rather narrow hone and it is very hard. I don't care so much for a K-rating with naturals because I don't have the corresponding grits to compare them to, my finest artifical now being 4K. I now rank them by coarse, medium, fine and very fine. I say this was fine. I'd also say a 'coticule' is fine and I get a smoother (and better) shave off a coticule than from the Greywracke.

    Hope this helps,

    +1 - just wanted to post exactly the same. I also got a greywacke hone but didn't test it in detail right now. Totally agree with what Scipio posted.
    Neil Miller likes this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to hatzicho For This Useful Post:

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