Actually, it was a flea market score... I did the leg work for it. Dang near walked right past it (closed up, under some other junk). He had about 8 straight razors, all of them looked like rusty twigs of steel, $15 each of course... .and then on the other side of the table, underneath some trash, I find this... lol.. I probably coulda talked him down from $7 but I just paid it and strolled away. Sometimes you just get lucky, I've been looking for one of these for a long, long time and have never scored one - I've found a few BBW's and Coti's in stores and shops but never a Thurry.

Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
Heh, I bet a customer walked into his store and said "Ive got an old barbers stone and some stuff. Want to buy them?"